“I have a better idea.” Sawyer strolled onto the deck. “Why don’t we take a day trip around all the islands. We can have breakfast on the yacht.”

“Sounds great. I’ll grab my stuff.”

“Meet you both on the dock in fifteen and, Sabrina, bring a swimsuit.” Sawyer walked off.

“What else do I need to bring?” She had that look again. “I’ve never been on a yacht.”

“Just grab a swimsuit and a change of clothes in case you want to shower for the evening,” I smiled, “casual clothes. We won’t be leaving the yacht. I’ll shower when the sun goes down. I don’t enjoy being salty and crunchy all night.”

“A week ago, I would not have known what you meant by that, but now I do.” She smiled back. “Can I do anything to help them get ready to go?”

“Not to worry, the staff will take care of everything.” I nodded for us to walk. “I meant to tell you how nice your tan has gotten this week.”

“Yes, if I keep staying here no one will recognize me when we go back.” She scrunched her nose. “I suppose this would be a good thing if Yury would not know me.”

“Don’t you worry about Yury or his friends. You’re safe with me.” We stopped at her suite door. “Gunner and the guys will never let them find you again, Mrs. Hawthorne.”

She stopped walking when we reached the room. She stared straight ahead then turned to look at me.

“That sounds so strange to me.” She opened her door. “Thank you for allowing me my own room, by the way. I know this is not normal for a married couple.”

“We have plenty of time to be a married couple, so don’t worry about it.” I turned to walk to my door. “Now hurry up, Mrs. Hawthorne, we have islands to visit.”

“Did you say hurry up?” She grinned.

“It means to do it quickly,” I explained, thinking she didn’t understand. “Do you know what I mean?”

“I’ll race you.” She smiled big from her doorway. “Whoever gets back in this hall first wins.”

“Ah, so you tricked me.” I smiled back. “What do I win?”

“If you win, that is.” She slowly began closing the door. “Winner picks what we do tomorrow.”

“You’re on and, when I win, you have to do whatever I pick.”

“You are wasting time.” She closed the door while I was talking.

“That’s cheating.”

I hurried to the closet, grabbing a change of clothes. I had no idea where the staff had put my small carry bag, so I had to just hold it. Then I fumbled for the blueprints I’d brought with me to share with Sawyer. I had some big ideas. I thought I’d only been in my room for a minute when I heard her door open. I grabbed for the door, racing into the hall, only to run smack into her. We both dropped what we were holding. The blueprints flew into the air, sending the pages in several directions.

One of these days I’ll roll them up like I’m supposed to.

“Oh no, are those very important?” She bent to pick them up. “I’m really so sorry for that.”

“Why would you be sorry? I ran into you.” I laid the blueprints out on the floor to roll them correctly. “I think you beat me, so we know what that means.”

“It means you are slower than a girl,” she laughed. “And it means you have to do what I want.”

“I’m a man of my word. What do you want to do tomorrow?” I stood from folding the blueprints. “Anything you want.”

“I think I want to have some time to think about what I want.” She walked along next to me. “I have never had the chance like this before. I better make it good.”

“You let me know later tonight. Looks like they’re waiting on us.” I pointed out to the dock. “What do you say we go for double or nothing?”

“To be clear, you mean first one to the dock wins double?” She started running. “I think I understand.”
