“I had an advantage. The family empire needed more Hawthornes running things.”

“Well, here I am, ready to do that too. I need you to put in a good word for me.” I stopped pacing. “Let me work with you.”

“Not a bad idea. I’ve seen some of your designs. Actually, I was thinking about buying a few more islands and building private exclusive getaways.” Sawyer pointed out to other islands. “Why don’t we go look at them this week?”

“Sounds good. Right now, I need to find my wife. I promised her a swimming lesson.” I laughed at my comment. “Hold on, I have a wife before you. Ha, I think I like this.”

“I asked first,” Sawyer argued. “She just wanted to wait for her father to get out of rehab.”

“Makes sense. I’m still the winner, though.” I shouldered him as I passed by. “I’m hungry.”

The girls were chatting away like old friends when we got back to the open patio. I saw Sabrina was looking more relaxed and, when she turned her smile on me, my stomach fluttered.

You just met her. It wasn’t a flutter, it was hunger.

“Sabrina, do you want to eat and swim later or are you ready to get started first?” I crossed my fingers in my head hoping she was hungry.

“If it is alright with you, I would like to eat.” She fidgeted in her chair. “Unless that is not the schedule. Is it the time for food?”

“There is no “time” for food. If you’re hungry, we eat.” I pulled a chair out next to her. “I was hoping you were hungry anyways, because I’m starving.”

Sawyer waved over his house manager. “What would everyone like?”

Sabrina looked down at her feet, clearly avoiding eye contact. I reached over to lay a hand on her arm for reassurance. She jumped as if I had hit her.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. Do you have anything you are in the mood to eat?” I tried to keep eye contact with her, so she didn’t get nervous. “You can order almost anything.”

“I am not used to having a choice. Can you just order for us?” She whispered to me. “I am not picky.”

I hate that look in her eyes. This is going to take a while, to get her to see she is worthy and can speak for herself.

“What are you two ordering?” I looked to Sawyer, hoping he saw she was nervous.

“I was thinking about chicken salad and a bowl of fruit, so I don’t get too full for swimming,” Sawyer laughed. “I would hate a full belly to make me float away.”

“Is this a real thing? This float away from eating?” She looked to me for confirmation. “If so, maybe I don’t want to learn how to swim. I will watch.”

“Sabrina, he is just making a joke.” Jade lightly slapped Sawyer. “He will make jokes all day, so don’t believe most of what he says.”

“How will I know, then, when he is serious?” She looked from Jade to Sawyer. “Maybe I need a sign.”

“Good idea. You can look at me if you’re not sure and I will hold one finger for serious and two for joke,” Jade demonstrated. “Does that work?”

“It will help until I learn how he jokes. Thank you.”

“I guess I should tell you while we are talking about swimming that you shouldn’t eat a full meal and go for a big swim.” I turned to look at her. “You could get cramped up and can’t swim to safety.”

“Can I just sit in the water that is not deep?”

“Of course, you’ll be safe there from cramping.”

“No, I mean instead of swimming, maybe just sit in the waves.”

“I think you’ll like it once you know how.” I smiled at her. “We’ll take our time, there is no hurry.”
