“I would need to know how to swim. Then yes, that would be fun,” she frowned, then smiled.

“Don’t you worry. I’ll teach you how to swim, starting tomorrow.”



Cota had offered to teach me to swim. I was thankful that he was being so kind, but I wasn’t sure how I would get out of having to go in the water.

How do I explain having a fear of water as an adult?

“You look worried about something. Everything okay?” He leaned on the railing, looking at me. “Before you answer, I want you to know you can ask or tell me anything.”

“Thank you, I am not so used to being allowed to speak my mind.” I looked out over the water. “Why are these dolphins not afraid of us?”

“Because they’re smart and friendly.” He pulled a pair of sunglasses out of his jacket. “They’ve been known to rescue people in the water.”

“That is an amazing story. Will they come help me learn to swim?”

“That will be my job, but they might be out there watching.” He pointed to land. “There is the island. Look how blue the water is.”

“It is quite beautiful, and a little scary.” I watched him looking out at the water. “So, tell me, my husband, what happens now?”

“Nothing happens. We just get to relax away from distractions.” He continued looking out.

“I believe you are not telling me the whole truth.” I turned to look at him. “If I am to trust you, then you will have to trust me as well.”

“I promise there is nothing wrong. I do need to convince my brother to help me with my parents but, other than that, just fun for the next few weeks.”

“I am nervous about all of this new life. I am even more nervous about some of the clothes Murphy bought for me.” I wrinkled my nose at the idea. “You will stay with me and not laugh?”

“I’ll be available for you every day. I’ll even pinky promise.”

“Pinky promise?” I was confused. “Is that like a smaller promise than the bigger finger?”

He burst out laughing. It was the first time I had the pleasure of hearing it. I felt calm at that moment, knowing this man would not be angry with me for knowing not much more than a child.

“Okay, put your hand up. Then stick out your pinky finger.” He turned to me with his pinky out.

I stuck my pinky out and he immediately grabbed it with his pinky. I had no idea what was coming, but he just squeezed my pinky and explained we had made a pinky promise. He went on to explain it was something children do. I found it sweet that he could be a child at heart.

I think I will be learning a lot from him. I hope he doesn’t find me to be too ignorant of life.

“Welcome to paradise,” Sawyer called out from the dock as we tied up.

“That was only a little cheesy there, big brother,” Cota joked from the top of the steps, “although I was hoping for a plane flying over head with a welcome sign.”

“No can do. This is as cheesy as it gets.” Sawyer walked up the steps and grabbed Cota in a hug. “It’s about time you got here. I’ve only been inviting you for like six months.”

“I can’t wait to see what you’ve built here. This is my wife, Sabrina.” He put his arm across my shoulders.

Sawyer reached past Cota to give me a hug. Hugging was not something I was used to receiving. In Russia, especially in the facility, there was not much physical contact, other than abuse. I tried my best to not flinch under the hug.

“Thank you for letting us come here to hide out. It is the most beautiful place I have ever seen.” I looked into eyes the same as Cota’s. “I do not want to be a burden, so please let me know what I can do.”

“What kind of stories have you been telling her?” Sawyer waved to Jade across the boat. “I assume you’ve met my fiancée?”

“Yes, I have. She is very pretty,” I smiled. “I can’t believe she knows how to drive this boat.”