The plane touched down at that moment. We paused the conversation as the plane came to a stop. I looked out the window to see Bond and the guys standing on the runway.

“Looks like our escorts are here.” I pointed out the window. “You ready, Mrs. Hawthorne?”

“I am nervous, but ready,” she grinned at me, “Mr. Hawthorne.”

I took her by the hand to stop her from collecting our things. “Don’t worry, the staff will bring everything.”

“I see, but I would like to bring my own personal bag, please.” She turned to grab it from the empty seat. “Is this alright?”

“You’re a Hawthorne now. You’ll get used to letting others do stuff, but it’s always alright if you want to yourself.”

“Cota, I have been on my own for far too many years. I am not so sure that I will get used to this.” She followed, taking my outreached hand. “I will try my best, though”

Charlie was already in the driver’s seat waving for us to get in the car. Bond stayed out, making sure we had everything, then joined us.

“Sabrina, I’d like you to meet Charlie. He’s one of Mr. Bond’s buddies.”

“Hey there, young lady. I hear you’re married to this young fella.” Charlie, always the joker. “If you get tired of him, I’m single.”

“I will keep that in mind Mr. Charlie,” she played along. “How is it someone as handsome as you is a single man, though?”

“Oh, woo-hoo, I like this one,” Charlie laughed. “Now, how do you want to get to the island?”

“I do not think I am the one for that question.” She looked to me. “Maybe we have to swim?”

“Swim?” Charlie burst out laughing. “If you swim, I might have to join you.”

“We won’t be swimming, you two.” I interrupted their laughing. “I told Sawyer to send the boat.”

“The boat is already at the dock. We have a few things to do, then we’ll join you on the island,” Bond added. “Jade will be taking you over on the boat.”

I was quickly learning that Sabrina had a good sense of humor. She was so much more relaxed than just a few days ago. As we pulled into the marina, Jade was standing on the dock to greet us.

“Hey there, you must be Sabrina.” Jade put her hand out. “I’m Jade, his brother Sawyer’s fiancée.”

“Yes, Cota did speak of you preparing for a wedding.” Sabrina shook hands with Jade. “I am happy to help while I am here.”

“That’s actually a great idea. I could use some female help.” Jade nodded to follow her to the boat. “Let’s talk tonight after dinner.”

“This is what you call a boat?” Sabrina gestured to the yacht. “I do not think we have the same idea of what a boat is.”

“I know, it’s really a yacht, but they like to call it a boat.” I helped her onto the yacht. “They think it’s really funny.”

“I would agree that it is funny.” She stood off to the side while I joined. “How long is our boat ride?”

“See, now you’re calling it a boat, too.” I pointed for us to sit on the deck couch. “It’s a pretty short ride. How would you feel about a trip around the island before we get to the house?”

“I think that sounds wonderful. This is one thing I can check off my list.”

“You have a list?” I asked, surprised. “I’d like to see that list one day soon.”

“The list is only in my head. I knew it would never be true so no need to write it down.” She took a seat. “Do you have a list?”

“Actually, I do have things I’d like to do,” I stood to look over the side, “and things to see, I guess, too.”

Once we were underway, I asked Sabrina to join me at the railing. The view of the island and the crystal-clear water was always something to behold, but right now there were a few dolphins tagging along beside us.

“I wish we had suits on so we could jump in with them.” I watched the dolphins jump and spin. “Wouldn’t that be fun?”