I can’t do anything with Yury and his crew looking for her but, when we get away, I’m gonna make sure she has fun.

I was packed, dressed, and on a mission. Aunt Victoria’s penthouse was on the next floor up. I took the private elevator. When the doors opened, there stood Sabrina in an amazing dress and smiling at something Murphy said to her.

This is going to be okay…I hope.



Murphy and I spent thirty minutes picking out clothes for my “honeymoon”. At least that’s what Murphy was calling it. I let her choose as I had no idea what I would need. I lived most of my life in ballet clothes.

“Oh, wait, I forgot. We need to get you a few bathing suits.” Murphy waved me back to her laptop. “What style do you like?”

“I haven’t worn a swimsuit since I was a child, before being sent away.” I frowned. “What do you recommend?”

“With your figure, girl, I say this hot pink bikini.”

“That does not seem like a lot of clothing.” I pointed to the screen. “What about this one? It is very much like my leotard.”

“Exactly. That’s why you need this bikini.” Murphy clicked on it to zoom in. “How about we get one of each style?”

“Yes, that will be fine, but I cannot wear this nothing suit by myself with him.” I turned to look straight at Murphy. “Maybe you could come with us and then I will maybe wear this.”

“You know, that’s not a bad idea. I can’t come right away because I have the rest of the ballet to handle.” Murphy stood and closed the laptop. “Let’s get you married and out of here.”

“Thank you again.” I hugged her. “I have never had a real friend.”

Victoria arrived on the elevator dressed in a pale blue dress, carrying a matching dress for Murphy. Now I understood why she asked about my favorite color. Then there, under the blue dress, was an elegant, yet simple, white gown. I never thought I would be married. Never let myself think about my wedding day, or what gown I would be allowed to wear. But this, what they put together, was perfect.

“Victoria, could I call my parents now?” I held my breath. “I know this is not a real

marriage, but it may be my only one, and I would love for them to at least know.”

“Sabrina, go on in my office. Bond has set up a secure line to call them.” Victoria took my hands. “Tell them we all hope to meet them one day. Oh, and we can send them a video if they would like.”

“I will tell them. They may not care so much. They will probably be angry with me.” I walked away, then stopped. “Thank you. I will hurry.”

The call to my parents only lasted a few minutes. They spent the whole time yelling at me for disgracing them. I realized as they scolded me that I no longer cared. I had a new family now and a man waiting to marry me and save me.

“I must go now. One day maybe you will stop being angry. Goodbye.” I hung up with them still talking. “Mr. Bond, I am ready.”

I was in the living room with twinkling lights and candles flickering everywhere, like a fairy tale, when the elevator opened. There stood Cota, smiling like it was the best day in his life. It was at that moment I knew my life was going to be better, even if just for a little while.

“I heard there’s a wedding happening here. Did I miss it?” Cota teased.

“Get in here, silly,” Murphy grab him by the arm, “we’re behind schedule.”

The ceremony was simple. Victoria and her husband were our only wedding guests as Murphy was my bridesmaid with Bond acting as Cota’s best man. I appreciated that Cota did not try to force a kiss on the lips when the judge said “you may now kiss the bride”, although I had hoped that he would. For now, I would be happy with the kiss on the cheek.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have a plane to catch. I’ve rerouted it to White Plains, just in case.” Bond pushed the button to open the elevator. “Limo is around back.”

“Limo? What happened to the helicopter?”

“The weather shut that down,” Bond answered. “Before you say it, I know ground travel is dangerous, but I have three limos out there as decoys.”

“Why three?” Cota asked. “Wait, I figured it out. One for me, one for her, and one for our luggage.”

“Funny.” Bond smirked then turned away. “Sabrina, please put this jacket and hat on.”