“It just means I know you are thinking about something.”

“Oh. I was wondering who I am marrying.” I stopped walking. “It doesn’t change things; I was just curious is all.”

“It’s Cota, remember him from the theatre? He’s, my cousin.” Murphy dragged me into what looked like a closet. “He’s great, you’ll see.”

It’s Cota! Now I am even more nervous. He is very attractive. Why would he agree to this.? He can get women himself. I wonder if he is in trouble too.



“Ihave some things I need to take care of before I disappear for a few weeks,” I told Aunt Victoria when she walked in. “Where are we doing this ceremony and when?”

“In my penthouse in three hours.” She took a bottle of water from the frig. “Do you have a tux or a suit here?”

“I have both.” I leaned on the counter in the kitchen. “Isn’t this a crazy thing to do?”

“Crazy smart. It’s a win-win for you and her.” She downed some water. “Stop, already. You’re going to enjoy her company.”

“Yes ma’am. I’ll get packed, showered, and in your place in three hours.” I picked up my cell. “I need to get busy. Are you staying?”

“No, I have to get things ready. Any requests for your first wedding?” She winked. “You know, colors, music, theme, etc?”

“I’ll leave all of it up to you and Murphy. I’ll bet she’s thrilled to have this project.”

“You’ve got that right. They’re online picking out clothes now.” She walked to the elevator. “I’m enjoying it too. This girl deserves someone to treat her well.”

The elevator doors closed on that comment. I stood there for a minute, thinking, until my cell rang.

“Hey, sounds like you’re getting married before me,” Sawyer teased. “Always in a hurry.”

“Wasn’t my idea. This was all Aunt Victoria,” I said. “I’m being a real-life white knight.”

“You need a horse for that?”

“I have a big white jet to whisk her away in. That’s close enough.”

“See you tomorrow, man. Jet skis are ready,” Sawyer said. “Cota, you’re doing a good thing. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks,” I answered more serious. “Your soon-to-be wife will be there, won’t she?”

“She doesn’t stay here full time. She has things to check up on at the marina and she’s out in the boat for a few days, too.” Sawyer said. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

“Is Asher there?”

“Nah, but he and his wifey might stop in.”

“Wifey? Now I’m afraid what you’re gonna call me.”

“I’ll think of something good.”

“Gotta go pack. See you for the sunset. I’d like lobster for dinner.” I paused. “Hmm, I suppose I should ask what she likes to eat or if there’s anything she can’t eat.”

“Dude, I have a full-time chef here.”

“Oh, right, Mr. Big Time. One word- lobster.”

I disconnected, thinking about our conversation. I did kinda feel like her white knight and I was liking the feeling. Based on just the small amount of things I was told about her life, she definitely deserved some freedom and fun. Here I was, whining about being allowed to run one of the vast Hawthorne companies, and she’s trying to just have a life.