Ipaced for at least an hour once we got to Murphy’s penthouse. She said she needed to take a call, so I waited in the living room. Several times I thought about walking out the door and catching a cab to the hotel where I would beg Yury, but I couldn’t make myself do it. Her housekeeper brought me a drink and a sandwich then left me to wait. Murphy came back down the hall, finally, with a huge smile.

“Sabrina, my mother would like to come around in the morning. She has an idea that will help you be free, but tonight it is late.” She nodded for me to follow her. “This is your room for as long as you need it.”

She showed me to a beautiful guest bedroom, all in grey and silver, then handed me a robe and pajamas.

“Help yourself to a nice, long, hot shower. Then, get a good night’s sleep. I’m exhausted, so I’m going to sleep. If you need me, hit that buzzer on the nightstand or simply walk down to my room.” Murphy smiled warmly, turned to leave, then pointed toward the shower. “Go on, get that hot shower. I know I need one.”

I stood in the middle of the room holding the garments she had given me, trying to decide what to do. Finally, I came to the conclusion that a long hot shower was exactly what I wanted. An hour later, I was under the covers of a king-size bed that was all for me. I didn’t remember falling asleep, nor did I have a clue how long I had slept, when my pager began chirping. I sat straight up, full of anxiety.

He’s here. He found me. Now what do I do?

A light tap on the door startled me further. I looked to my pager to confirm that it was in fact Yury. I shut it off then walked over to open the door.

“Good morning. I hope you had a good rest?” Murphy stood in the doorway holding two cups of coffee. “Do you drink coffee?”

“Coffee is a luxury I do not get often, but I would love to join you.” I waved her into the room. “Yury just paged me.”

“Yikes, that’s no way to wake up in the morning,” Murphy frowned. “What did he say?”

“I didn’t read it. I don’t know what to say.” I sat the coffee on a side table. “Murphy, I appreciate your help last night, but I am in big trouble now.”

“Answer one question for me and answer it quickly with the first thought in your head,” Murphy ordered. “Do you want to stop dancing for Yury?”

“Yes! But…” I tried to go on.

“No but. Next question. Will you be happy and, more importantly, will you be safe back in Russia if he sends you home?”

“No! But…”

“Still no but. If you could stay in the United States and never have to go back to Russia or to Yury, would you take that chance?”

“Yes, of course, but…?”

“There’s that but again,” Murphy scolded. “Would you trust me and my mother if we had a kinda crazy idea for you to be able to stay?”

“I suppose I would have to. You have helped me so far.”

As if right on cue, the housekeeper tapped on the open door to let us know Aunt Victoria had arrived and that she was on the balcony.

“Come on, let’s go have some breakfast and talk over your options.” Murphy stood to go. “I need you to have an open mind if we’re going to save you from Yury.”

“That sounds daunting. Do I get a hint before we see Victoria?”

“Nope, it was her idea, so she tells it. Come on.”

Victoria was sitting at a table on the balcony that overlooked what I would later find out was Central Park. She was impressive to look at and made me feel almost as nervous as Yury did, until she smiled.

“Sabrina, so nice to see you this morning. I trust Murphy took good care of you.” Victoria patted the seat next to her. “Let’s jump right in. I can see anxiety all over your face.”

“Yes ma’am. I am quite nervous, but not just for your idea.” I fidgeted with the tie on the robe. “Thank you for letting your man, Bond, help last night.”

“Yes, Bond. His real name is Gunner, but we have such fun calling him Bond.” Victoria sipped her coffee. “Speaking of Bond, he is here and ready to take the necessary steps to act on my idea. That is, if you agree.”

“She thinks you should get married today at the courthouse,” Murphy blurted out.

“Married to whom, ma’am?” I turned to Victoria. “I know no one other than your family. How would that paperwork get accomplished today?”