“He just wants us to be perfect. It’s different in Russia than here in the United States.” I placed the small dish of fruit on the table. “Why don’t we dance a little bit.”

I needed to do anything but have her questioning me about how I was treated by Yury. There was no point, he would not change, and I was trapped.

She tried her best to pull me next to her dancing. I looked around. Not seeing Yury, I tentatively stepped onto the crowded dance floor. I wanted to laugh and have fun like Murphy, but Yury had to be somewhere ready to pounce.

Is this worth what he will do to me?



Five minutes backstage and I already ran into the monster from the night before. I felt my anger spark when he yelled at me to get back to work but, when he yelled at the tiny dancer, my hands instantly balled into fists. I didn’t know this girl, but I had this ridiculous urge to protect her. Once I made myself step around the man, I briefly met eyes with the dancer. She looked so sad and scared at the same time. The music starting was my signal to forget about backstage issues and just find my seat with Murphy. I shot her a text.

“Before you say it, I know I’m late. I’ll make it up to you.”

“Yeah, yeah. Are you here?”

“Yeah, I’m backstage. Ran into the creep again. I don’t like that guy.”

“Just get out here. I saved you a seat.”

I slid into the seat next to Murphy, then noticed Aunt Victoria sitting next to her. I smiled and nodded when she raised an eyebrow at me.

Okay, not off to a good start proving myself. I’ll have to do better. She is no pushover.

My cell was vibrating in my pocket. There was no way I was pulling it out to even see who it was, much less answer it. As it was, I should have turned it off like the signs posted everywhere said. I continued to ignore it and took an actual interest in the show before me. As I watched the dancers, I began to really enjoy the ballet for the first time, but it was the lead dancer that mesmerized me with her every move. Before I knew it, the curtain was going down and the performance was over.

“Looks like we have a new ballet fan in the family,” Murphy teased. “Mom, what do you think about our Cota here?”

“I wouldn’t have believed you if I hadn’t watched him myself, but let’s not tease him.” Aunt Victoria smiled. “We want him to keep coming back.”

“I want him to love it, so he’ll agree to be my partner.” Murphy shouldered me. “Are you staying for the after-party this time?”

“Yeah, I’m staying. I wanna go backstage first to see if that guy is being awful,” I said. “What’s his name?”

“I’m not sure but it sounds like you’re talking about Yury,” Murphy said. “I’d leave the guy alone. I’ve seen him be completely awful to the dancers for no reason and he has Russian muscle with him.”

“Can’t you do something about it?” I demanded. “Fire him, maybe?”

“I can’t fire him, but I was thinking we could come up with guidelines the troupe leaders have to follow for the health of their dancers when they are at our theatre.” Murphy looked to Aunt Victoria. “You have any ideas for that?”

“Look at you two trying to trick me,” I laughed. “I like your efforts.”

“Oh, be quiet. I’m grabbing a plate of food before they come out to meet the VIP’s.” Murphy nodded her head toward the buffet. “What about you?”

“You know I never turn down food. Lead the way.”

Murphy pretended to get food with a few pieces of fruit while I piled on the food until there was no more room. Murphy nodded to follow her to a standing table off to the side. Aunt Victoria and Uncle Henry were making rounds. I desperately wanted to speak with my aunt to see if she had agreed to help me, but tonight wasn’t the time. The crowd shifted slightly when the monster and the lead dancers entered the room. I couldn’t really see her face. I wasn’t even sure which dancer it was because the dim lighting and costumes shielded their faces when they were onstage.

“Cota, come on. Now’s your chance to be face to face with the guy you hate.” Murphy grabbed my hand and pulled me behind her. “Be nice. Don’t mess things up.”

“Then why are you dragging me over there? You’re setting me up,” I chuckled, but kept following.

I heard Murphy introducing them to me but my brain had short-circuited somehow. When the female dancer looked up at me, I lost all senses. Her eyes locked with mine and all I could think about were those same amazing eyes that looked at me so sadly the first night.

“Hi, I’m Cota.” I fumbled a bit. “I loved the show.”

“Why are you at this party?” Yury growled. “Only the lead dancers attend.”