“No can do, because I am in the elevator to your penthouse.”

“Fine. You better have soup.”

I dragged myself out to the elevator, anticipating Murphy’s arrival. The buzzer went off, then there she stood, holding a bowl of what I assumed was soup. She was extremely determined, yet she was like a car wreck that you can’t keep your eyes off of.

“I know you’re not sick, but Cota begged me to bring this to you.” She dropped down into a chair. “Why are you pretending?”

“I’m not, okay? I’m really tired, that’s all.”

“Let me try something. If I had to guess, you overheard Finian talking about how wonderful life is without a partner and never seeing family.” She looked up at me standing in front of her. “You may have also heard Jace talking about all the cute cowgirls back home and Cota just needed to go there to get one.”

“No, I didn’t hear anything like that. I overheard Cota say he likes me but not like I want him to like me.”

“How do you want him to like you?” Murphy sat up, listening. “You like him, like him, right?”

“It doesn’t matter, Murphy. Finian asked him if he told me about having feelings for me and then he said I’m not the girl for him.”

“Ouch! I’m sorry. He could change his mind, ya know. He has to stay married to you for another eight months.”

“I don’t want him if he has to change his mind, but I will do my best to be friendly and help when I can.”

“Go get back in bed and cry it out. Then the whole family is having an early dinner at four. Don’t worry so much about it, I think it will all work out in the end.”

“I’ll be here pouting.”

“See you at four. My mother doesn’t take no for an answer, so cold rinse your face and use that make-up.” Murphy pushed the button on the elevator and the doors closed.

A few hours later, Cota came back to the penthouse. I was lying out on the balcony, thinking about my next move and where my life was going to go after this.

“Hey, feeling any better?”

“Yes, I am alright now. I know about the family dinner.” I looked at the time. “I will get dressed.”

Thirty minutes later we exited the car but stood waiting on Bond and Charlie. I felt awful emotionally but I had to do my part. Cota didn’t say much on the car ride.

I watched him for a moment, how he was staring at the floor and how he seemed to be thinking about something. But I had no idea what. Turning on the sidewalk, I faced him.

“Cota… “

“I'd like to kiss you,” he blurted out.

My eyes went wide and my heart beat madly in my chest. “You… you would?”

Cota’s dark eyes so full of emotion. He shook his head. “I'm sure there was a more eloquent way to say that, but… I'm not very eloquent.”

I reached out and took one of his hands in mine, relishing the warmth.

“You're more eloquent than you think you are,” I said softly.

“I always have a wonderful time with you every night, Sabrina. I really enjoyed being with you last night when we went to dinner with my aunt and uncle. I was proud to say I was your husband.”

“And now?”

“And now, even if you don't want to stay my wife, and I know it’s wrong to want to kiss you.”

“Why is it wrong?” I interrupted.

“I don’t know, maybe because you didn’t agree to have a relationship with me.” He looked straight ahead. “I also promised you I would give you all the time you needed.”