“Oh, you’re funny. Can you imagine me with a wife?” Finian scoffed. “Then again, that might be the only wife I could keep. No wife wants to travel the world with a husband who likes faraway out of reach places.”

“Maybe Victoria could find you the perfect wife,” I answered. “She seems to be very good at it.”

“Well, if she found me someone as nice as you, that would be great.” Finian winked at me.

“Stop that ridiculous flirting dude. She is my wife.”

“I’m not flirting.”

“You are, but you can’t help yourself,” Jace added. “It’s a disease. He’s right; no one would stay married to him.”

“What about you, Jace? Are you interested in a wife?” I asked to get the focus off of Finian.

“It’s not a bad idea, but something I’d have to think about.” He laid back the recliner seat. “My older brother could use some help, though.”

I was tired from the weeks of preparation for the show, so I excused myself the minute I saw an opening. I also wanted them to have time to catch up without me around.

“If you do not mind, I will go to bed now. You boys have a fun evening.” I smiled and turned down the hallway to my room.

Hours later, not knowing what time it was, I tiptoed down the hall toward the kitchen for a glass of water. It was then that I overheard Cota saying to Finain words I did not want to hear. I should have walked away, back to my room, but I could not make myself not listen.

Have you told her about these feelings?” Finian asked Cota. “You seemed to have a good time with her.”

“She’s okay. I mean, we laughed, but nothing else that felt real, ya know?”

“But you put so much time into the relationship,” Finian argued. “I thought maybe you really liked her.”

“I do like her, but she’s not the girl for me.”

Oh, no. I am happy I did not make a fool of myself in telling him how I feel.

The next day I felt so out of place. My eyes were red and puffy from crying, but I could not tell him I had heard him and he definitely did not know I had. It would not be fair to him to be unkind or emotional. He had never offered me a real life with him, nor had he done anything to make me believe I could stay.

“What do you have planned for the next few days?” I asked, standing in the kitchen.

“We haven’t discussed it yet, but we were thinking of catching a comedy show tonight.”

“That will be great fun.” I poured myself a glass of orange juice. “Do they have that where they live?’

“I’m sure they must, but they may not go out to it a lot. However, here in New York City, everything is very close at hand.”

“I am going to go back to bed, I am not feeling well. You have a good day with them.” I took my glass and walked off.

“Sabrina.” Cota knocked on my door. “Can I get you anything? Do you need a doctor?”

“No, I may just be exhausted or a little cold starting.” I opened the bedroom door. “Go on now, you don’t need me tagging along. You should make it a guys’ night out with all the boys.”

“I honestly don’t want to go without you, but I can’t ask you to go if you are not well.” He smiled with a nod and left my doorway.

It had only been thirty minutes since I heard them leaving when my cell buzzed with a text. I knew It was going to be Aunt Victoria or Murphy.

“You should be out celebrating your re-entry into the ballet world.”Murphy texted with a heart.

“I celebrated last night and today I am tired.”

“Cota says you are not feeling well. I think you need some soup.”

“I don’t need soup, silly, just some extra sleep. Now go away.”