“Boys, you have outdone yourselves. I cannot tell you apart.” I walked around them both. “Murphy, we don’t know if they are themselves or switched to trick us all.”

“We’ll figure it out later. Let’s get up there. Mom has a microphone.”

“Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, the Hawthornes will be testing our agility by playing musical chairs.” She cleared her throat jokingly. “We hope you enjoy it, but don’t laugh too much because we will be inviting everyone to play the second round.”

The song “Monster Mash” began and we all tentatively walked around the chairs with the crowd cheering us on. The music stopped and we watched Asher and August racing around with Murphy to grab the last two chairs. Of course, all they had to do was stay in the circle but leave it to them to make a show. August grabbed a seat and Murphy dove for the last chair, only to have Asher slide into it before her, leaving her landing on his lap.

“You’re such a cheater,” Murphy huffed.

“Brat, come back, I’ll let you have the spot.”

The crowd laughed along with us, knowing by now the antics of the Hawthorne children. “Monster Mash” began again. This went on for another ten minutes until we were down to three.

“Let’s go, Cota, you can take Sawyer,” Asher yelled.

The music started and went off almost immediately. There was a rustle full of laughter until I conquered my brother and stole the chair. It was then that I looked over to see Sabrina turn toward me. She looked into my face and I saw her mouth drop open then shut quickly. I couldn’t help it- I felt my lips begin to twitch with laughter.

“We’re the last two people?” Her eyes sparkled with amusement.

She clasped a hand over her mouth as laughter escaped her. Seeing her burst into laughter had it start to bubble up inside of me and it came out in hysterical spurts. I began laughing even harder. When I remembered we were being watched by everyone, I fought to catch my breath.

For effect, I knocked the extra chair out of the way and said, “Game on.”

Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” rang out and we started the short walk around the one chair. At one point the music stopped for a split second but continued. The crowd broke out in laughter. Sabrina had lost her nervousness once the game started and now she was having fun. On one of our rounds of the chair she used ballet moves, which delighted everyone. I was so busy watching her put on a performance I missed the music stopping. She was definitely closer to getting on the chair than me. Just to keep the entertainment aspect going, I pretended to battle her for the win by diving onto the chair and landing on my stomach. In slow motion, I saw her leap into the air with her legs stretched out and land on top of me with a bow.

Very nice, Sabrina. Very nice.

The crowd roared and Aunt Victoria announced Sabrina as the winner. The staff brought out more chairs and the guests began the next game. Most of the family stayed out of the game so the guests could occupy a spot.

“Thank you to everyone for joining in the game tonight. Now, let’s all have some fun dancing,” Aunt Victoria said into her microphone. “Don’t forget to check out the silent auction items for charity.”

I took Sabrina by the hand and began making rounds as Aunt Victoria always wanted us to do. She had been making us do it since we were elementary school age. I had to thank her one day for making me into who I was and how I can be with people of all stations in life.

“Nice showing out there, little brother.” My oldest brother Finian surprised me. “Being the baby has taught you to fight for what you want.”

“Finian, when did you get here?” I hugged him. “Did you just admit that you saw the game but didn’t participate?”

“No idea what you’re talking about. I walked in right at the end.” Finian grinned ear to ear. “I don’t see our parents. I would have thought they would be here to show off or something.”

“I saw them a few weeks ago at the baby shower.” I pointed toward Kellan and Poppy. “I’m guessing you haven’t met the newest Hawthorne.”

“I haven’t even met the wives. How did all of you get married so quickly? Is there someone blackmailing the whole family?”

“Hilarious. Maybe it’s a spell that’s been cast upon us,” I added because it’s a Halloween party. “The spell could be over tonight. Sure you don’t want to get in on it?”

“No sir, not me. I’ll remain the last man standing.”

“Sawyer’s the only one having a real wedding. You’re going to be there, right?”

“I’ll be there. Who is this beauty hiding behind you?”

“What’s wrong with me? Sabrina, this is my big brother, Finian.” I pulled her from behind me.

“Hello, there. You both look very much alike,” Sabrina said.

“You meant to say ‘he looks almost as handsome as his older brother’,” Finian teased.

“Good Lord, give the girl a break. Sabrina, you need to stay away from this one.”