“I want to do this without them. Besides, I can push you around to get my way.” She burst out laughing. “See you later, gotta hang now.”

I texted the guys back letting them know I’d try to meet them for one drink after I met with Murphy. They complained, as I knew they would. I went ahead and stayed at the theatre making a few calls, then sat in the back watching the practice. Sabrina was a hard worker and a perfectionist. Probably had something to do with all the years of having it drilled into her head. I could learn from her about drive and hopefully I can teach her to relax a little.

“Look at you, lurking in the dark like a weirdo.” Murphy plopped down in the seat next to me.

“That’s me, big creeper. You never told me what your costume is for tomorrow night.” I stretched. “I’m exhausted watching those two up there.”

“They’ve been working hard and it’s only for the party.”

“What do you think about us putting together our own ballet troupe?” I turned in my seat to look at her fully. “I want Sabrina to be able to dance and I don’t want that maniac in our building ever again.”

“I agree, but he has the best and people know it, so they come for his excellence.” She kicked her legs out in front of her. “I’m not opposed to giving it a try, though.”

“We can have a meeting with Sabrina after the party.” I stood up, pulling her up too. “Show me what you want me to make amazing, then I gotta go.”

Murphy and I did a short walk-through and discussed ideas for the change. I told her I’d work something up then made my way back to the stage. Sabrina was just finishing before they did a dress rehearsal. I waved and met Bond out at the car.

“I’m gonna walk; I want you to stay with her. Besides, I’m only going two blocks over. Message me when you leave and I’ll have you pick me up.”

“Don’t worry, no one is going to get your girl.”



Cota had gone to meet his college buddies, leaving me space to not worry about him waiting for me to get done. We did a run-through in full costume with music. I felt good about the show and was feeling more myself these days.

“Matt, grab your stuff and we’ll drop you off.” I waved for him to follow me. “Do you have a costume you can wear for the party?”

“Not really, but I’ll find something.”

“Let me buy you something. I know you don’t have a lot of money.” I sat forward in the car to speak to Bond. “Can you go by the costume store, please.”

“Come on, let’s find you something.” I climbed out of the car waiting.

We spent about fifteen minutes in the store and found something simple for Matt to add to his ballet gear. We had a good laugh knowing he was going to be a bumble bee, which was not him, but I convinced him it would be fun. We dropped him off at his apartment then went to pick up Cota. He’d sent me a text to come inside to meet his friends, but I declined. My feet needed some relaxation and a good ice bath.

“Are you upset or just tired?”He texted back.

“Exhausted. I need to get home. You enjoy yourself.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I will be asleep within the hour so no problem. See you in the morning.”

I wanted him to have fun and I told him to stay. It wasn’t until I walked into an empty penthouse that I felt lonely and wished he had come home with me. I found a note on the counter letting me know there was a plate of food in the oven. I grabbed the plate and ate while I went to fill the tub with cold water.

I definitely should have kept up these ice baths because this is awful.

I made a few trips from the freezer to the tub before I finally had enough to sit on the edge with my feet down inside. Thirty minutes later I pulled my numb feet out and prepared for bed. I searched the refrigerator for a snack, finding a piece of cheesecake, then took a much-needed hot shower and crawled under the covers.

“Good morning, sunshine.” Cota was all smiles when I walked into the kitchen. “I was going to make you the eggs we learned to prepare but I wasn’t sure what you eat on the day of a show.”

“I eat eggs,” I grinned, “especially if they are eggs you made me yourself.”

“You go get yourself ready to go, or whatever you need to do, while I cook for you.” He waved a spatula at me. “I’ll be here being marvelous.”

I grabbed my yoga mat and spent a short fifteen minutes doing stretches, then downed the breakfast I had watched him slave over from the balcony. We rode together to the theatre, but he left me to my day and went off somewhere in the theatre. I didn’t see him the rest of the day, not even for lunch. It was showtime now and I looked out of the curtain to see a full house.