“Not sure, but let’s give it a try. Mom and Dad win too many years in a row.” I pulled her down behind a bush with me when Diana walked out. “Time’s almost up, Diana is getting set up with the drinks. We have to hurry.”

We ran through round three zone, grabbing eggs left and right until we hit the koi ponds. Mom and Dad were not only finding eggs before everyone, they were literally hiding a bunch of eggs I assume were for later.

“We got them now,” I said to Chloe, who wasn’t right behind me anymore. “Hey, come on before they see you.”

“Look what I just found.” Chloe had her t-shirt rolled up like a little kid. “I found a bunch of eggs buried in the dirt over there.”

“Wait… so that’s what they do. They grab some eggs, then hide the rest so they don’t look like they found too many at once.” I figured it out. “I believe you just found their hidden eggs for round three.”

“Won’t they figure out that someone is on to them when they aren’t there next round?” Chloe dumped the eggs into her basket. “We don’t want them to know until we get all their eggs from every round, right?”

“That’s true, so we have to get those eggs they are hiding right now as soon as they leave,” I said. “I’ll go back to the front yard so they see me. You wait here and get those eggs by the third pond.”

“Ok, then what?” Chloe stopped walking. “No one will believe we found all those eggs out front.”

“I do believe you have a sneaky side too.” I scratched the back of my neck, thinking. “OK, you get the eggs by the pond and go hide them in round one zone. Then, when everyone takes off, we can grab them. By the time Mom and Dad figure out they’ve been caught, we will already have all the eggs.”

We did a double fist bump and I ran for the front yard. I looked back as I turned the corner to see Chloe doing an army crawl along the fountains as Mom and Dad ran to the opposite side of the yard toward the front.

Oh my God, she might look like Mia, but she seems to be a tad wilder. I think I like that.

Chapter 14


Isaw his parents turn to head back to the front, and all I could do was drop to the ground in an army crawl. I watched as they looked around then headed in an opposite direction. Thank goodness, because I hadn’t done an army crawl since high school, and I was guessing my pants were not going to look so great after. I waited for them to go around the corner, then jumped up to a bent position and ran for their hiding spot.

Crickey, What the heck am I doing? I don’t cheat at stuff, but Trey has made this so much fun.

When I got to the spot I found, at a quick count, about fifty eggs. I filled my basket, my shirt, and every pocket available, then ran for the backyard zone one area. I could hear Diana and Hank talking about the time, so I slipped about thirty of the eggs behind a rose bush just out of sight and ran for the front yard.

“Trey, over here, I found some more eggs,” I shouted so everyone would see me. “They’re my eggs, Mia, so stay back.”

“I’m taller than you, so good luck reaching those up in the tree,” Mia shouted as she pushed past me. “Sophie, come on, get on my shoulders.”

“Mummy, isn’t this so much fun?” Sophie laughed as she ran by me.

“It’s the best, baby girl.” I turned and ran to Trey. “There was only one egg. I just made them think there was more, plus I wanted them to see me out here.”

“You’re a quick learner ma’am.” Trey put his hand up for a high five. “The bell should be going off any minute.”

“Yeah they almost saw me...” I was cut off by the loud ringing of the bell.

As before, everyone stopped and headed to the back patio. Mia jabbed me as she went by, being a total skite about how full their baskets were.

If she only knew.

“Mummy, look how many eggs we found.” Sophie spun around in circles. “Mr. Trey, look.”

Trey walked past me to Sophie. “They have a lot of eggs- we may be in trouble.”

“Eh, this is a piece of piss. We got this,” I demanded. “Just keep smiling.”

“’Piece of piss’, is it?” Mia threw her arm across my shoulders. “You two are acting very dodgy.”

“What are you waffling on about?” I teased. “Go on back to your team.”

Chloe, what’s going on with you?” Mia circled me without losing eye contact. “You’re grinning like a shot fox.”