“I never saw a real baseball game. Can we go see that first, then play kick the ball?” Sophie asked. “Do you like my sunglasses Aunt Mia bought me?”

“I think your sunglasses are very pretty. I see mommy got a new pair too.” I smiled into my own reflection in Chloe’s sunglasses. “I hope you have big appetites. Chef Harris has cooked all day for us.”

“I’m looking forward to his food and, well, his company too,” Chloe said. “Mia had a phone call, so the driver dropped us off here. She said she’d be here soon.”

“That gives me more time with you.” I gestured for us to follow the path. “We can catch a little bit of the baseball game. How about some popcorn?”

“And ruin my appetite before chef Harris’s food gets here?” she scoffed at the notion. “He is going to stay and eat with us, isn’t he?”

“I had to trick him by saying I was too busy to pick up the food,” I chuckled. “My driver is bringing him and the food, so he has no choice.”

“Very sneaky, Dr. Hawthorne, but I like it.” She tilted her head back, enjoying the sun beating on her face. “I’m going to miss this weather.”

“I’m going to miss you,” I tossed out to see how she would react.

“You shouldn’t talk like that, you’re practically a married man.” She half smiled. “I just know your mother will pick great for you.”

“Let’s not talk about that today. Did you make any plans yet for returning here?” I asked. “I hope it won’t be a long time.”

“Dr. Trey, Dr. Trey, look, we can kick that big ball out on all that grass.” Sophie bounced along in front of us. “I’m ready to play kick the ball.”

“Alright, you run out there and I’ll kick it to you first.” I put the ball on the ground. “Here it comes.”

“Mummy, come on, I’ll kick to you next,” Sophie giggled and ran into the field of grass. “Hurry up, Mummy, the ball is going far.”

We played around kicking the ball until my limo pulled to a stop just off the pathway. Chef Harris and Betty exited the limo, waving.

“Well, looks like you’ve been busy matchmaking. I can’t say I hate the idea.” Chloe followed behind Sophie, who was running to hug Nurse Betty and Chef Harris.

“Wait ‘til you see all the amazing food Chef Harris has made for today.” Nurse Betty helped to spread a blanket under a shade tree. “I hope you’re hungry.”

“I’m super hungry, ‘cause we played ball and I was running all around.” Sophie sat between Betty and Harris. “Mummy said after we eat maybe we can get ice cream. Did you know they have ice cream in a truck?”

“Yes, I did know, and it’s my favorite place to get an ice cream,” Betty said.

“Hey, you guys. I’m sorry I’m late. That phone call couldn’t wait for me to finish a picnic.” Mia hugged everyone. “You won’t believe how very hungry I am, too.”

“You? Very hungry?” Chloe teased. “It must be all this fresh air.”

“It definitely must be.” Mia winked at Chloe, and I was left wondering what that was all about.

Conversations flowed easily while everyone enjoyed the enormous spread of food Chef Harris had prepared. I found myself wishing for more days like this.

“Mummy, can I go over there by the water and see the ducks?” Sophie asked. “Maybe I can bring them some bread. Aunt Mia, wanna come too?”

“Absolutely. Hold your hands out for the bread.” Nurse Betty placed a few rolls in her hands.

“Thank you,” Sophie called out as she ran to the ducks, with Mia close behind her.

“Chef Harris, would you like to take a little walk to stretch our old legs?” Betty asked.

“I would love to walk. I walk a mile every day. Come, we can walk this way in the shade.” Chef Harris put his elbow out for Betty to hold. “We will be back later.”

“We’ve been deserted. Was it something I said or something you said?” Chloe laughed. “It was definitely something you said.”

We sat together quietly, watching people go by. Sophie giggled nearby with Mia and I was battling with myself for the right words to say.

“Don’t go back,” I blurted out into the silence. “I want you to stay.”