My heart was pounding. I really wanted to say I was going to miss her, but why bother? I could be married in a few days, and she would be back in Sydney. She’d probably forget all about me.

“You’ve been a good mate. I’m so happy we got to be friends, and that’s the bloody oath.” Chloe still looked at her slice of pizza.

I hadn’t been completely sure what I wanted out of tonight, but her telling me I was a good friend wasn’t it, for sure. We were sitting side-by-side on the couch out on the balcony, so I could only really see her profile most of the time. I wished I could look into her ocean-blue eyes.

“You’ve been holding that same slice for five minutes now. Admit defeat and lay it down,” I joked to break the mood, then I put my hand to her forehead. “Feels like you’re getting warm again. Did you take the Tylenol I brought out?”

“Yes, I did. I think you’re right. I can’t finish. I’m defeated.” Chloe lay back against the couch, pulling the blanket tighter around her with a shiver. “I think I have chills.”

“Come over next to me. I’ll warm you up,” I said, cautiously opening my arms. “The Tylenol should start working soon, so just rest.”

I sensed her hesitation but for only the briefest of seconds. She seemed to be having an internal battle with herself. In the end, whatever feelings she was working through, something won out, and she scooted over and laid her head against my shoulder.

“You’re right. It’s much warmer next to you,” Chloe said, turning her head to look at my face. When she looked up, our lips were an inch apart. I stared into her eyes, then at her mouth.

“Chloe...” I struggled to find my voice as I lifted my free hand and ran my thumb over her lower lip. It sent tingles through me, then she closed her eyes.

I gently pulled the blankets tighter around her then leaned in for a kiss.

“One more, Grandma,” Sophie said, as she bounced in through the front door.

“Okay, one more for tonight. Oh hey, look, Mommy is awake,” Mom said loudly, making sure we heard her.

With a low laugh, I slid my arm out from behind Chloe. She gave me a “don’t go” look.

“God, Chloe, you feel good,” I whispered in her ear as I stood to greet the family. “Did you all have a good time?”

“Did I just see you kissing my sister?” Mia smiled and kept walking.

“Very interesting, Son,” Mom remarked and walked past me.

Parker nodded as he walked past me, muttering, “Clearly, you have lost your mind.”

Chapter 72


He gave out a low laugh then slid his arm out from behind me, making me want to cry out to not go. When he said I felt good, it almost made me cry. I hadn’t had that feeling in a long time. He walked over to the family as they came further into the room. They were saying stuff to him, but I couldn’t hear quite what was being said. The look on Trey’s face led me to believe they had caught us.

Just play it cool, like nothing was going on.

“Hey Chloe, how are you feeling? We missed you tonight, but you look like you were doing okay.” Mia smiled and raised her eyebrows.

“Yeah, we had some pizza and cookies. I started getting chills just a few minutes ago.” I pulled the blanket around me and stood up. “You all better stay away from me.”

“I need to get going but I wanted to extend an invitation to all of you to come out to the Manor for Mother’s Day,” Victoria said

“Sounds good to me, Mom.” Trey pushed the down button on the elevator. “I’ll ride down with you.”

“We’d love to, Victoria.” Mia hugged her goodbye.

“I’m off to bed. Goodnight.” I hurried off to my room while Mia said her goodbyes.

“Hey Chloe, I’ll be in to chat in a few minutes,” Mia called after me.

I knew the minute Mia came into the room, because although I was faking sleep, I was actually awake, and I knew she wouldn’t disturb me. The next morning, I stayed busy packing to go to the Manor.

“You can’t keep hiding from me,” Mia said, standing at the bedroom door. “I know something is wrong.”