Maybe he’s right. Mom did pick the perfect wife for him. I should trust her.

We did the usual meet and greet with medical students, then Parker announced he was going to meet with the head of the hospital down the street.

“You sure you don’t want to join me?” Parker asked. “I’m rather interested in their intern program and want to see if there are any that we could encourage to sign on at Dad’s hospital in Greenwich.”

“You know I don’t like picking interns that way. I’m going to meet with some of them on the basketball court.” I undid my tie. “Why don’t you come join me instead? I’m sure you’d see more about them than looking at their paperwork.”

“You do it your way, I’ll do it my way,” Parker said. “Besides, this is the way Dad would do it.”

“But those papers won’t show you which ones are all in and which might need encouragement.” I walked out with him. “Sometimes, the ones needing encouragement make the best doctors.”

“Trey, I know you struggled with making your decision years back, but you figured it out as they will too.” Parker stopped to look at me. “Don’t you think it’s also important to see how their studies are going?”

“If I hadn’t fallen in love with pediatrics before residency I would have ended up in cardiology as Dad wanted me to,” I said. “I needed that encouragement from Dr. Hilbert. If you need me to join you then I can come for a little while.”

“I would appreciate it. I think it would be better with two Hawthornes there.” Parker nodded. “Besides, you’re much more personable.”

“Alright then, let’s go, but I’m not staying for the whole meeting.” I climbed into the limo with him.

The meeting was as boring as I had thought it would be. The students there to speak with us were smart, but I couldn’t see the real them.

“Hey, I’mgoing over to the gymnasium with a few students. Text me when you’re done.”I texted Parker.

“I should be done within an hour.”Parker texted back.

I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about what Parker said about trusting my mother to pick a good wife. I’d been doing it on my own for a very long time. Why would I need her help? But that was just it- if I was doing it right, I’d be married by now.

“Hey Mom. How’s it going on the wife search?”I shot mom a text.

“Hey Dr. Hawthorne, you still playing?” One of the students tossed the basketball at me.

“Yeah, I’m in still...unless you guys are too tired.” I ran onto the court, dodged him, then shot. “You must be studying too much to let me get around you like that.”

I heard my cell chirping a text. I knew it probably wasn’t going to be Parker. He said an hour. I’d already checked on my patients, so it could wait.

“Hey, I gotta grab my cell. Play on.” I walked off a few shots later when my cell wouldn’t stop.

To my surprise, Parker had called to let me know that he’d be running later than expected and that the driver could pick me up if I wanted to go back to Manhattan sooner. I called him back only to get his voicemail, so I left a message.

“Not a big deal, Parker. I’m having fun playing basketball. You really should try it sometime. You know fun, don’t you?”

Betty had sent a few texts, but mostly just getting on me about relaxing and eating right.

Does she even remember I’m the doctor here? I need to bring her something from here for her grandkids.

“I’m out, boys. I need to handle a few things before I leave.” I threw my bag on my shoulder. “I’ll catch you next visit. If you come to the city, text me.”

“Later, Dr. Hawthorne. Great game.”

Almost exactly an hour later, after buying probably too many things from the campus store, I was on the front lawn lounging in the grass when Parker texted.

“You gonna get up and get in the car?”

I had to laugh. I loved Parker, but sometimes I wanted to just loosen his tie and make him relax a little more. I casually strolled to the car just to aggravate Parker a tiny bit.

When I got closer to the car, the door opened. “Stop trying to aggravate me, Trey. I know that’s what you’re doing, and it’s not working.”

“Oh, but I think it is working, little brother.” I slid into the car and grabbed hold of Parker’s tie and pulled it loose.