“That would explain why it’s dark in here. I thought the blinds were closed.” I laughed at the ridiculousness of it.

“Are you hearing me, Chloe?” Mia asked in a stern tone.

“Yes, I heard you. The day is already gone,” I answered, knowing that wasn’t what she wanted to hear.

“I know you heard me. If you stay, we can play every day,” Mia repeated her request. “You have to give me a better answer for why you can’t stay than you can’t.”

“Go away Mia. Have mercy on me.” I pushed my face into the pillow.

“Stop being so dramatic,” Mia laughed. “I’m leaving, but you need to sit up and eat this food I brought you.”

“Maybe,” I pouted. “What is it?”

“Scrambled eggs, your favorite, cooked by none other than me.” Mia pulled the covers back. “Sit up and eat.”

I sat up against the headboard. “When will the guys be back?” I asked, picking at the eggs.

“Very soon, they took the helicopter,” Mia said, as if it was an everyday thing.

“The helicopter?” I asked, mid-bite. “I want a ride in the helicopter, please.”

“Well, ask Trey when they get back. I’m sure he’d love to take you for a ride.” Mia stood from the bed. “It’s a great way to see all of Manhattan, especially Central Park.”

“You think I’m just saying it, but I really do want to go.” I finished the eggs. “Is that all you brought me?”

“Oh, now you want more. Before, you didn’t want any.” Mia came back and took the empty plate. “Go to sleep. We have fun stuff to do this week, so get better.”

“Yes ma’am. Now get out of here.” I smiled, then covered my head with the comforter again.

“I’ll check on you again in a bit with more fluids.” Mia closed the door.

Thirty minutes later Mia came back with more juice. My fever was starting to be lower and my cough wasn’t as bad as earlier.

“Hey, we’re all going out for the evening, or just a few hours. Will you be okay without us?” Mia asked, feeling my forehead. “You look a little better. Sandra will be here if you need anything.”

“Does that girl ever get to go home?” I asked. “She’s always here.”

“Silly, she lives here,”Mia said. “All the staff live here in the building.”

“Are they on call twenty-four hours a day?” I asked.

“Yeah, basically, but I don’t usually bother them at night.” Mia stood and placed the remote next to me. “Here, and Sandra is pound-sign four. We’re leaving in a few minutes, but when you’re hungry, call her.”

“I think you’re getting spoiled,” I said. “Bring me back something yummy, like pizza or one of those hot pretzels.”

“Now who’s being spoiled?” Mia laughed and walked out of the room. “See you later.”

Chapter 71


Forty-five minutes later, we sat in the back of the Hawthorne helicopter. We’d have gotten stuck on the road on the way to Long Island if we’d taken the limo. As it was, the helicopter still left us practically running to make it to Stoneybrook Auditorium on time for our lectures.

“You go first, and then I’ll wake them up when you’re done,” I joked with Parker, as always.

“So, you’re back in a good enough mood to make me the joke again, I see.” Parker walked onto the stage without a reply.

Usually, I’d have been on my cell checking on my patients, anything but listening to Parker speak, but this time I listened. He was a different guy these days. Mia had made him more relaxed. Made him better.