The elevator bell rang. I dragged myself up off the floor where my many piles of stuff lay waiting to be packed, and made my way through the empty penthouse. I pulled the security door to the elevator open wide without even looking to see who it was.

“Trey,” I said, more than a little surprised. “What are you doing here? Everyone’s out for the afternoon.”

“Hello, Chloe. I know. Mia texted me about your leaving. She thought you might like some company.” Trey walked through the door without waiting for an invite in. “Were you going to leave without saying goodbye? Without letting me say goodbye to Sophie?”

“I wouldn’t do that, but I figured you were busy getting your life ready for your marriage,” I said, looking away from his stare. “You must be so excited to finally meet her.”

Trey lowered himself onto the couch, leaned back, and fixed his gaze on me. “Meaning?”

I scrunched my nose up at him. “Meaning nothing. That’s a silly question. I’m really happy for you, that’s all.”

We fell into an uncomfortable silence. I nearly jumped when Trey finally spoke.

“Take a break from packing and come to this amazing little café with me. They have the ultimate milkshakes. You can’t go back to Sydney without being able to tell people you went to the Café Lalo, where a famous movie was filmed.”

I hesitated just long enough for him to know he had my interest.

“Come on. You’ll love it. I’ll tell you what, if you’ll come, I’ll help you finish packing later. Deal?” Trey challenged.

His charm and energy were infectious, and I couldn’t resist it. “Okay, okay, I’ll come with you. Let me grab my cell off the charger in case Mia is looking for me.”

Trey hadn’t exaggerated about the milkshakes, nor had he warned me about all of the pies and cakes they had. We ordered black and white milkshakes along with lemon meringue pie, cherry pie, and a double-fudge brownie. Neither one of us could decide on one, so we got them all. The waitress flirted with Trey, but I didn’t mind. I understood the attraction to those green eyes and that darn Hawthorne dimple. The urge to brush his hair back felt so strong, I gripped my fork tighter to avoid reaching out.

“So, what’s first on the agenda with the new bride?” I asked, digging into the brownie. “Will there be a honeymoon? Will you stay living in the penthouse? Do you want children?”

“Whoa! Slow it down there. I have absolutely no idea,” Trey said. “There isn’t actually a rule book for this kind of nutty way to find a wife. I’ve never done anything like this before, and I expect the tabloids to have a field day with it. Won’t that be a special thing for a new bride to have to deal with?”

“It’ll all work out fine. Your mom is the best, and I’m positive she picked the perfect bride for you. Look how well she chose for Parker.” I smiled at him.

“You sound like maybe you know who she picked,” Trey said. “Care to share that information with me?”

“I might know a little, but I won’t spoil the surprise. Let’s just say I saw the bio, and your mom did a fantastic job picking.” I reached across the table to wipe some crumbs off his face. Trey caught my hand and held it against his cheek. “You’re going to be very happy, Trey. Trust your mom, and give her a grandbaby soon,” I said, holding his stare. The waitress brought over the pitcher to refill our water glasses, and the moment was broken. I pulled my hand away. “I really should get back to the packing so I’ll have the evening to visit with Mia.”

Trey didn’t move for a few uncomfortable seconds. He texted his driver that we were ready, then excused himself to go to the counter to pay the bill, all the while still looking at me.

“Okay, all set. I just wanted to get an extra brownie for Miss Sophie,” Trey said. “Brownies are our favorite.”

We sat in the car looking out our respective windows. I didn’t know what to say. When the car pulled up to the curb in front of the penthouse, Trey told me he had to go check on some patients at the hospital. He stepped out of the car and held his arms open for a goodbye hug.

I stepped into his embrace, not wanting to let go. I finally took a step back, put my hands on his face, and looked straight into his eyes. “You’re going to be a wonderful husband. I can’t wait to hear all about it. Please promise we can stay friends.” Then I stood on my tiptoes and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.

I watched him struggle emotionally with something until he turned his face and kissed me on the lips. “Chloe, I…”

I took a slow step back. “Thank you for everything, Trey. You’re the best, and she’s a lucky lady. Now, go get married and be happy.” Then I turned and walked away with a wave.

Chapter 77


Ihad the opportunity right in front of me to cancel the wedding or at least postpone it.

I should have tried harder. Maybe I could have convinced Parker to help.

I pulled my cell out of my jacket pocket and dialed my mother. “Hey Mom, what if I was having second thoughts?”

“I would tell you ‘too late’,” Mom answered quickly.” You wanted this so much that you badgered me and now you are changing your mind?”

“First, I didn’t badger you. Second, I’m just asking ‘what if?’” I complained. “’Badgered’? Really?”