“You come anytime, Victoria. This little one seems to really like you,” the breeder said.

“That was a nice visit for Mother’s Day, Trey,” Mom said. “Great idea to bring Sophie here.”

Back at the house, Mom was sitting listening to Sophie tell Henry about the puppies and how they fed them with bottles.

“They really were very cute, Mom,” I tested her. “You should get one.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Trey,” she replied. “What I really want is a grandchild.”

“I can’t help you with that right now, Mom,” I chuckled. “Maybe ask Parker.”

“Where is everyone?” Parker called out from the foyer.

“Hey, there you go, perfect timing to ask him,” I joked. “He may pass out if you ask him that, though.”

“Aunt Mia is here.” Sophie jumped off the couch and ran for the foyer.

“Victoria, can you come in here, please? I need help deciding on something,” Mia called out.

“What is all the fuss in here?” Mom asked, coming through the foyer opening. Then she stopped in her tracks and stood staring at the little ball of fur on the carpet.

“Mom, this is for all you do for us,” Parker said. “Happy Mother’s Day a little early.”

I picked up the little puppy and placed her in her arms.

Chapter 74


“Chloe, I’ll be in the city on Friday and my judge friend said he could take care of that paperwork for you,” Victoria said, just before we left Hawthorne Manor Monday morning. “Maybe getting it done will allow you and Sophie to stay.”

“Thank you, Victoria, but I don’t believe it will.” I tried for a smile. “I’m going to have to go back.”

“Well dear, don’t get too upset. Let’s see what he can get done for you first.” Victoria hugged me. “Do you mind if I take Sophie shopping, maybe on Thursday, for some more baby doll stuff and some clothes for her for school?”

“I don’t mind at all. She would love that, I’m sure.” I hugged her back. “She loves you very much.”

We said our goodbyes and loaded into the limo.

“What about Parker?” I asked, really wanting to ask about Trey.

“He left with Trey this morning. They had to get to the hospital,” Mia said. “I’m sure we’ll see Trey sometime soon.”

I hope he comes around this week before I leave.

“Hey, you alright?” Mia asked from her side of the limo.

“Yeah, just feeling sad about leaving. That was our last visit to Hawthorne Manor,” I said, looking out the window.

“I’ve said it a so many times, Chloe. Just stay.” Mia moved closer to where I sat. “I know we never got to talk over the weekend. And I know you wanted to tell me something. What is it?”

“I can’t talk here in the car.” I pointed to Sophie. “What were you going to tell me?”

“Nice try, but you have to talk first.” Mia squeezed my hand. “We still have all week. What should we do?”

“I haven’t been in Central Park yet, other than the zoo area, that is.” I smiled now. “Trey still wants us to go on that picnic with him.”

“That’s right, I forgot about the picnic. That would be fun. You should text him about it right now,” Mia urged. “We can also rent some bikes.”