Mom and Parker had walked into the puppy ward a little after. “I think Victoria is going to love this gift,” Mia said to me and Chloe when we sat next to her on the floor.

“Yeah, I saw her face light up when she gazed around the room at these adorable puppies,” Mia said.

We all laughed when Parker set Amoeba down and she shot across the room, barking and chasing the other pups.

“She looks so big next to the puppies. Maybe we need another one?” Parker said, smiling ear-to-ear at Mia until she frowned at him. “What? Didn’t you love it when she was a baby?”

“She’s only seven months old, which is still a puppy, Parker. Maybe what you want is a baby,” I said, then I was pulled away by Sophie. “Chloe, you coming? I’m not sure where we’re going.”

We were pulled around until we found the newborn zone. We watched as they were feeding some of the very youngest puppies by bottle, until the breeder waved us over. It took us all of ten seconds to sit on the floor and join in with the bottle feeding.

“Your mom looks so happy to see all these puppies.” Chloe pointed to her.

Mom slowly walked around the room, stopping to watch some of the puppies rolling around with each other. She stood and watched as we fed the newborns.

“Grandma, don’t you want to help feed the babies?” Sophie called to her.

“I like watching you feed the babies,” Mom answered. “I think while you feed them I’m going to go see the little puppy sleeping over there.”

“I think maybe she found one she likes,” Parker said, standing just behind me. “Mia, go over there and see what she is asking the breeder.”

“Is there something wrong with the little one in the blanket?” Mom asked the breeder.

“No, she’s healthy. She just likes to be cuddled up all the time. Would you like to hold her?” the breeder asked.

“No, I don’t want to wake her up. She looks so peaceful.” Mom bent down to rub her hand down the puppy’s back. The puppy rolled over to show her belly to Mom. “How do I not rub that belly when you do that?”

“She is so sweet,” Mia said, standing next to Mom. “Parker, come look at this cute puppy.”

The breeder reached in and picked up the sleepy puppy, along with the blanket she was cuddled in, and placed her in Mom’s arms. “She loves to be held.”

The puppy licked Mom’s hand.

“Grandma, come over here with that puppy so it can see all these puppies.” Sophie sat on the floor with puppies climbing all over her. “Mummy, look at me. Can we have a puppy?”

“Baby girl, we can’t have a puppy. Mummy has to work while you’re in school, and a puppy would get very lonely,” Chloe said. “Come sit next to me, and you can feed one a bottle, like your baby dolls.”

An hour had passed when Parker announced we should be heading back because he was hungry.

“What’s with you, wanting to leave because you’re hungry?” I asked, surprised by his whining about food, knowing he went without food often while working.

“I’m just hungry. I forgot to eat breakfast.” Parker gave me a dirty look. “Can you grab Amoeba so we can go? I need to go up to the office and pay for some dog food.”

“Yeah I can grab her. We’ll meet you at the car.” I felt stupid for not realizing what he was doing but all I could think about was being by Chloe. “Okay, gang, it’s time to head home for lunch.”

“Victoria, that little one is so sweet. She looks a lot like Amoeba.” Mia pet the puppy between the eyes. “We should come visit these puppies more often.”

“Sophie, what do you think about that idea?” Mom asked.

“Yes, I like that. Dr. Trey and Mummy can come too,” Sophie said, taking me by the hand to leave. “Come on, Mummy.”

I’m going to miss Sophie almost as much as Chloe.

“I need to make a stop at the drug store on the way back, so why don’t you guys head back, and we’ll meet you there,” Mia said. “Sophie, you make sure they don’t eat all of the yummy food before I get there.”

“You’re silly. We would never eat all of the food, unless it was Diana’s brownies. I love them,” Sophie said. “Dr. Trey loves them too.”

Mom seemed reluctant to hand the little puppy back to the breeder. “It breaks my heart to hear the puppy whimper. She loves to cuddle. I think I’d like to come back another day to visit the puppies. Would you mind terribly?” Mom asked.