“I knew I’d find you two in here.” Victoria lowered herself into the loveseat across from us. “This seems to be your favorite spot in the house.”

She laid a file on the coffee table in front of us. My stomach did a flip flop. After that night when Trey had almost kissed me, I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him, but I now knew I couldn’t be involved in the picking of the bride discussion.

“If you guys don’t mind, I’m exhausted, so I’m going to go crawl in bed next to Sophie. See you in the morning.” I stood to leave before they started talking.

“Chloe, before you go up to bed, I wanted to tell you that I spoke with a judge friend of mine, and he can help expedite a green card for you and Sophie. Is that something you would be interested in?”

“Oh my gosh, Victoria, that’s amazing.” Mia hugged her. “Chloe, that would mean you could stay longer. Isn’t that great?”

I was so torn. On one hand, I wanted to stay and be near Mia, and Sophie loved having a grandma, but I didn’t think I could be around Trey when he was married to someone else. I felt ridiculous for feeling so strongly after only knowing him less than a month, and right now, I thought I just needed to go home to Australia and let him get his mail-order bride.

“Can we talk about it tomorrow? I really am so tired.” I turned with a yawn and headed for the staircase.

Mia is going to be so upset when she finds out I’ve been lying to her about Jimmy.

I crawled into bed next to Sophie and cried myself to sleep.

Saturday morning came,and I could hear a commotion downstairs. I heard August’s Porsche roar into the front driveway moments before, which could only mean his twin wasn’t too far behind.

Mia had stopped in to visit with me and Sophie before breakfast.

“Hi Aunt Mia. I’m watching my favorite, Peppa Pig,” Sophie said from under the covers.

“She seems happy for the moment. Come out on the balcony and let’s chat,” Mia said.

The weather was exceptionally nice with a slight breeze. I slipped on my Uggs and sunglasses and lounged out on the chaise.

“What did you want to talk about, big sis?” I asked without looking at her. “Let me help you. You want to know why I was acting weird last night about getting our green cards, right?”

“Yeah, among other things. I would like to know what the heck that was all about,” Mia said, lowering herself into a chaise next to me.

“I should have thought to bring my sunglasses,” Mia said, tipping her wide-brimmed hat down in the front to block the bright sun. “I would also like to hear from you about what’s going on between you and Trey.”

“There’s nothing going on. We’re friends. I like his company,” I said, feeling brave behind my dark-tinted sunglasses. “Besides, what would it matter? He’s getting married to his mail-order bride in about a week, right?”

“And?” Mia asked.

“And Sophie and I are going home to Sydney. That’s it. End of story,” I said.

“End of story if you weren’t in love with him.” Mia turned to sit facing me. “Right? And don’t lie to me.”

“Right.” I wiped at a tear that slid down my cheek.

“You know how you feel about him,” Mia said. “Why are you hiding it?”

“I don’t know how I feel…” But I did.

“So, do something about it.” Mia said.

“You don’t understand,” I whispered, my throat thick. “I told him to get married to his mail-order bride.”

“Why would you do that knowing he is interested in you too?” Mia asked.

“Mia, there’s something I have to tell you.” I started to tell her but got interrupted.

“Mummy, Mummy,” Sophie yelled from inside on the bed. “Uncle Parker and Dr. Trey are here.”

We both looked directly at the open door and froze.