“Yeah, sure, absolutely no idea,” Murphy said, chugging the last of her mojito.

I caught the tone in her voice. “What’s going on with you tonight?”

“Nothing, big brother. I’m fine.” Murphy raised her eyebrows.

“All right, fine. Don’t tell me,” I grumbled.

“Well, isn’t this something?” Victoria said, approaching the bar. “Two of my children getting sloshed at the bar.”

Murphy looked at me, then to Victoria, trying to give her the evil eye but failing miserably when I started laughing.

“Murphy, go make up with your man,” Victoria said. “Stop being so stubborn. It was just a heated discussion. And Parker, instead of getting drunk, go over there and ask Mia to dance. Trey will move on to the next girl, anyways.”

Chapter 23


Inoticed Parker and Murphy at the bar. Although I enjoyed Trey’s wit, my thoughts were of Parker. I watched them drinking and laughing and could only imagine the difficulty a house full of bright children would have been like and the trouble all of them had gotten into growing up. Especially Trey. I was losing my patience waiting for Parker to cut in.

Maybe if I excuse myself. Maybe Parker will see an opening to ask me?

I walked to the restrooms and pulled the new compact from my clutch to fix my makeup, all the while contemplating how to get Parker to ask me. I spotted him right away when I left the restroom. At the same time, Parker spotted me and waved. I closed my eyes and began counting. When I reached eight, he stood at my side, staring at the Christmas tree.

“Nice tree.” Parker tilted his head in the direction of the enormous white tree with red ribbons tied around it.

I tried to act nonchalant. I really did, but I failed when my voice fluttered with him standing so close. “I personally prefer natural trees like a real Fraser fir tree. I, ah, mean this is very elegant and perfect for this venue, but whoever heard of a white tree in the forest? Besides, I like my Christmas tree to smell like Christmas.” I stared at the glowing candles around the base of the tree, mesmerized. “I love smelling pine. Why don’t you have a tree in your condo?”

“That’s actually a good question,” he said. “I guess I never thought about it because I’ve been traveling so much, and I spend the week before Christmas at the hospital. Plus, Mother always had very lavish fake trees.”

“Does anyone in your family decorate for Christmas?” I asked. “I mean, when we left Greenwich a week ago, there wasn’t even one hint that Christmas was coming.”

“Oh, Mia, I promise you that you will be blown away when we get back to Hawthorne Manor,” he said. “Mother goes way over the top.”

“I think it’s sad that you don’t have a tree,” I said with mounting excitement. “We should get a real tree for your place. It’ll be fun. You need to have fun.”

Parker smiled and it scrambled my brain cells. “You going to teach me how to have fun, Mia?” Parker asked in a low husky voice

Good God, does he even know what he’s doing to me? Don’t flirt back.

I smiled back at him “I could definitely teach you how to have fun.”

Why did I just say that?

“Not a bad idea,” he said. “We can do it tomorrow after our picnic?”

The silence became deafening and uncomfortable. I waited patiently for Parker to ask me to dance. Then Parker’s cell phone chimed a text.

Well, I don’t think I’m going to get that dance now with him starring at his phone.

“Mia, the party will be over in an hour or so, and you have danced with almost everyone but me. So, do you think I could have this dance?” He turned to face me with his hand outstretched. “I think it’s my turn.”

“That would be lovely,” I whispered but really wanted to burst.

As we passed by the family table, I laid my clutch down with a nod to Henry.

“Where did Murphy and Trey get to?” I asked Henry.

“Oh, something about fresh cookies. I’m sure they will be back soon,” Victoria said rather directly.