After one last look around, I steadied my heart for the goodbyes.

Let’s go, girl. It’s easy. One step in front of the other and soon you’ll be walking out the door. You are such a dork, Mia, but that is a fun song and completely appropriate for Christmas morning.

The house was buzzing with holiday joy. “Silent Night” hummed through the sound system. The mouth-watering smell of turkey mingled with Frasier fur. I rolled my suitcase to the front foyer and ducked into the bathroom to fix my mascara.

“Here goes nothing and everything, all at the same time,” I said at my own reflection.

Such a waste to have done this makeover. You do look good, though, girl. Put on your smile and get it over with.

“Merry Christmas,” I said, entering the formal living room where two of Parker’s brothers were deep into a conversation. “Sorry to interrupt.”

The twin closest to me turned to me with a warm smile. A familiar Victoria smile.

“Hey there, Mia. I’m August,” he said, extending his hand. “I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to meet properly at the dance. I heard from Parker later that Mother had a friend visiting. This one behind me is Asher. You may want to watch out for him.” He gestured to the other brother with the same exact round, friendly face.

Seriously identical twins with matching cat-green eyes. .They look a lot like Parker. Too bad. It would have been nice to get to know them. Wait, how did I not notice they were identical at the Christmas dance?

“Really nice to meet you both finally,” I said, stepping into the room. “Your singing was amazing. All of you were great, actually.” Victoria gestured for me to join her on the couch, and I settled into my seat next to her.

“Mia, would you care for a mimosa?” Asher asked. “I think you need it to cover up that little white lie.”

“If everyone else is having one, then of course,” I said.

He poured eight glasses, but only six people were in the room.

“Had Mother told us she had such a beautiful friend staying with her, I would have visited before now,” August said, handing me a gold-rimmed champagne glass full of mimosa.

Feeling my cheeks redden, I raised the glass to my lips and drank.

I needed to get the attention off of me before all the details came out, or Parker showed up creating a scene and I died of embarrassment.

“Asher, I hear you’re an architect.” ,” I said. “What made you decide on that?”

Asher jumped in completely without a second of hesitation. Although I found it fascinating, I struggled to listen. For every noise, I tensed in fear that Parker would show up.

Who the hell were the other mimosas for anyway?

This is just stupid. Just leave before he gets here. Do you really want to put yourself through that? Oh God, he just asked you a question, but what was it?

“I could hear him talking. I heard the word designer. Then I heard a voice in the foyer talking to Diana. .I was certain Parker had just walked into the house, and I was ready to get out quickly.

“Sorry, I was a little late but duty calls.” Trey walked over and took me by the hands. “Ah, Mia, you are most certainly as beautiful as always.”

I had no words to respond with. The air was yanked from my lungs, and I nearly passed out when he pulled me into his body and placed a kiss on my forehead.

Can this be for real? Although the soft timbre of his voice sounded exactly like Parker, Trey was very different. How can he have the same dimples as Parker? That’s just crazy and torture.

“Thank you, Trey,” I said, but what I really wanted was to run out the front door.

I nearly had a heart attack when the front door banged open.

Murphy burst into the house with her boyfriend following closely behind her loaded to the top of his head with gifts. Her grand entrance disrupted any and all conversations, therefore also saving me from Trey and his questioning stare.

“Oh, Mia, I’m so glad you’re still here,” Murphy said, wrapping her arms around me. “I wanted to make sure you got my gifts. I’m so bummed you have to go.”

Tears welled, threating to spill over. I felt like an idiot for feeling so sad, but I had really enjoyed being here. This family had gotten into my heart already.

“Come on now. Stop that crying. There is no crying on Christmas,” Murphy said, wiping her own tear-stained face. “It took me thirty minutes to look like this, and now it’s ruined before pictures.”