Thirty minutes later, as promised, we exited the bedroom.

“Wow,” said a stunned Parker. “You’re gorgeous, Mia.”

“I would like to take credit for this gorgeous girl,” Murphy announce, primping at Mia’s hair.

The bell rang, and Parker turned to answer the door. A thin woman in her fifties walked through

Parker introduced her to the girls, explaining that she was there as Amoeba’s sitter for the night. They all looked over at Amoeba on her enormous bed. She rolled over as if on cue to show her belly to everyone.

“What a little show-off,” I said, kissing her on her little face.

* * *

Hank arrivedto bring them to the dance in a much larger limo, with Trey already positioned next to the mini bar, drink in hand.

The party was in full swing when they strolled in as a group. Most people knew the Hawthorne siblings. I, on the other hand, was happy to stand in the background and disappear. I loved everything about just being in this glamorous ballroom. Christmas lights twinkled along the walls while a twenty-foot white Christmas tree covered in red lights set the scene for the season. The wait staff were dressed in elf costumes, and Santa Claus welcomed all from his sleigh. I was totally lost in the atmosphere surrounding me until I heard my name.

“And this is Mia,” Murphy said.

“Nice to meet you,” I said, shaking the hands of two women I didn’t know

“So, you’re the Mia Victoria told us about,” the one named Meredith said, her eyes lighting up. “Victoria is a very dear friend.”

“Your dress is amazing,” I said, unable to think of anything else. I wasn’t sure why I was so nervous about meeting a bunch of new people. I’d made friends easily enough before moving to New York. Maybe it was as simple as being out of my element.

“Mia, let’s try the buffet out, shall we?” Parker asked, putting his arm out for me to be escorted away.

“Thanks.” I laughed and pointed to the chocolate fountain. “Can we go there?”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Parker steered us away from the flowing lava of chocolate.

Trey snuck up behind us at the buffet and put his head between us.

“I smell sweets. Who wants dessert?” Trey asked, wiggling his eyebrows. “I see cheesecake.”

Parker scolded him for wanting the sweets and I laughed at the face he made.

Hmmm, we have an addiction for sweets in common.

“Fine, be Mr. serious about food.” Trey said then turned with a plate to fill at the buffet.

Parker chose chicken wings while Trey and I chose cheese and crackers. Picking the same appetizer as Trey did not go unnoticed by me. Trey was certainly a charmer.

Murphy’s boyfriend, Thomas, had arrived, and he and Murphy were in a heated discussion about politics.

“You’re twisting my words,” Murphy said, leaning back in her chair.

Everyone stopped talking and turned to look at Murphy.

“Who wants dessert?” Trey asked, trying to lighten the mood at the table. “The cheesecake isdelicious.

Thankfully Victoria and Henry arrived. Victoria’s gown was a red satin ball gown. I thought she looked like a princess. I wondered if I looked under her dress I would find glass slippers.

“Mia, I see you’ve met Trey, but have you made any other friends here tonight?”

Victoria asked, putting her hands on my shoulders.

“Not exactly,” I said around the pasta I was chewing.