He turned to me with a smile lingering on his perfect lips that reached all the way to his eyes.

God, he’s so cute. Ahhh, what am I doing thinking about Parker like this? I should be focusing on Trey. I think.

Murphy ordered drinks, but I quickly declined alcohol. I had a feeling I needed to stay sharp. More than that, I would be too sleepy.

Conversation throughout lunch went smoothly. I discovered Trey wasn’t as cocky as his grin would have me believe. I learned he was a doctor as well.

Murphy enjoyed a drink too many. I knew her nerves were on edge, but if she kept it up, she would blow it tonight. Parker noticed as well and ordered a few appetizers while Trey gestured to the waiter to cut her off and to bring coffee.

What a good big brother.

When Murphy left for the restroom, Trey turned to Parker. “What is this with Murphy? I’ve never seen her get herself so worked up.”

“This project she’s on means a lot to her, so the funding is important,” Parker said.

When Murphy returned, lipstick in place, she was smiling again,

Parker’s cell phone went off and he stood. “I should get back to work.”

Trey stood as well. “Thanks for lunch.” He held up a to-go cup of coffee for Murphy and turned to leave.

“Hold up,” Murphy said before he could go.

“Yes, my dear sister.” Trey smirked.

“Love you, but don’t think I don’t know you were trying to handle me just now.”

“And?” Trey walked back to hug her. “What kind of a big brother would I be if I didn’t?”

Trey kissed her on the forehead, winked at me, and strolled away.

Chapter 21


Iknew the dance was a big deal for Murphy and that she’d had too much to drink at lunch. I made the excuse of a headache and convinced her we needed to go back to Parker’s and rest. Murphy disappeared into her suite as soon as we got back. I grabbed my notes from school and got comfortable enjoying the view of the park.

Three hours later after falling asleep on the balcony with Ameoba snuggled close and my school notes on the floor. I jumped up in a daze.

I gotta get ready. Where’s Murphy?

“Hey Murphy. Time to get up and get ready. Come over to my room.” I said from the doorway

Murphy followed me into my room but instead of getting ready she laid down on the bed. Princess Amoeba was stretched out on the bed with Murphy who was having a battle with her cellphone to stop telling her to get up.

“That’s a crazy alarm you got there.” I said looking through some jewelry

“You guys ready?” Parker asked from the doorway.

“Not yet, but I will be soon. Just give us thirty minutes,” Murphy said, standing up and stretching. “I’m starving. Parker can you have the cook make us something to eat?

“You’re so spoiled.” Parker teased “What do you want?”

“Shut up brat. A sandwich is good.” Murphy said then walked to the bathroom and closed the door on him.”

I only had my dress and shoes to put on, or so I thought until steam roller Murphy emerged from the bathroom, hair clip in hand.

“Tonight, we look more sophisticated,” she said. “Besides, you don’t want to hide all those amazing jewels on your dress.”