Murphy was more insistent than earlier regarding my makeup and hair. Which only made me increasingly more suspicious.

“What’s going on, Murphy?” I asked. “It’s just a dance. What is so important?”

Her face softened. “It’s nothing specific. I’m excited for you and nervous for me. So, focusing on someone else helps. Makeovers are one of my many skills. Well, I don’t actually do the makeover. I just what to do. I got really good at knowing what would look good from years in the society world and watching Mother. Trust me, okay? You’re going to be family. I wouldn’t steer you wrong.”

“All right, all right, I’ll trust you, but I have a thought for my hair,” I said, flipping through the pictures on my cell. “Here, this one.”

“It’s perfect! I love it.” Murphy squealed.

She really just squealed. How is this genius woman such a girl? Lord help me.

Walking through the salon toward the entrance, I felt like I was someone else. Someone I would like to watch and admire on television. I caught a few glimpses of myself as we passed through the glass doors.

I look incredible. Money can do everything, I guess. Well, girl, you better enjoy it for now because you cannot do this yourself.

The restaurant was bustling when we arrived. In New York City, two o’clock is still lunch time. The hostess knew Murphy and ushered us to an area by the front windows. Parker was relaxed in a cushioned couch, feet extended on a footstool. A dark-haired man was lounging next to him.

That must be Trey.

Murphy cleared that question up by calling out his name before we got all the way to them. When he stood to embrace Murphy, he sent a wink in my direction, along with the same dimples as Parker’s. Parker rose slowly in anticipation of the Murphy hug. He nodded to me and turned back to Murphy, then quickly back at me.

“Mia, I barely recognized you all done up,” Parker said, staring at me a little too long. “I like the hairstyle.”

Embarrassed, I reached for my hair to twirl, but I had forgotten my hair had been cut a little shorter. So, I grasped at nothing until two inches up I caught a curl.

“Murphy is a steam roller, and I’ve been led around all morning,” I said, stepping closer. “You don’t get away with a no around her.”

“Believe me, I know,” Parker said with a gesture to have his spot on the couch. “Sorry we didn’t have our picnic.”

“Thanks, but I’ll take the stiff-looking chair versus the couch that swallows people whole and puts them to sleep. And it’s okay. We can do it tomorrow.”

There was an awkward silence while everyone moved to sit down.

“So, you’re the beautiful Mia I’ve been hearing about from Parker,” Trey said, looking from Murphy to Parker for an introduction. “You have caused quite a stir since you came to town.”

Quite a stir? Parker thinks I’m beautiful. Be still my heart. Quite a stir?

Okay, so there had been the incident at the train station that first day. I was never going to live that one down, but what else? I hadn’t done any other ridiculous things. Have I?

Parker shook his head as if to clear it while Trey laughed and walked around the low coffee table to put his hand out to me.

“Looks like I’m doing this myself,” he said. “I’m Trey, the oldest, with clearly the best manners.”

Trey had a bit of a New York accent, but only enough to be attractive, and a wide, cocky smile that seemed less abrasive with the dimples. The five o’clock shadow that covered his square jaw was surprising, as it didn’t match theGQoutfit. Or actually, maybe it did. He was definitely physically fit with thick biceps that filled his navy blue button-up shirt.

Is this whole family attractive? Good Lord.

“Hi, I’m Mia, as you seem to know already,” I said, briefly shaking his hand. My mind went a million miles a minute.

Older brother? He must be the one. Surely Victoria is doing this for him since he is the oldest. Is this my new husband? I mean, God he’s attractive, but cocky too. Not sure I like that. Or do I? This must be why Murphy was being so pushy about today. Is he a doctor?

“What’s so funny?” I asked, noticing his light chuckle.

“Oh, I was thinking about Parker and why he hasn’t shared you with the rest of us. It’s not like him.”

Parker laughed and the sound of it did funny things to my stomach.

“Share me?” I asked in surprise, looking at Parker.