“Did you take three years because it was difficult? Don’t answer,” he demanded. “I think it took three years because you were raising a teenagerasa teenager, and I’ll bet working two jobs.”

“That about sums it up,” I said, pouring us both more wine. I lifted my glass and touched it against his with a gentle clink.

“Thanks for sharing, Mia,” he said. “Be proud of yourself always.”

Chapter 18


Iwandered into the kitchen shortly after seven. Parker beat me to the coffee this morning. I could smell the Green Mountain breakfast blend brewing. He was dressed in his usual black slacks with the perfect crease down the front. His hair was still damp from the shower. This routine was already a familiar one. I grabbed a bowl and the milk from the refrigerator. I couldn’t stop the yawn when I dropped onto the barstool in front of the granite counter top. We fell into a companionable silence as we munched cereal, drank coffee, and read the morning paper.

“I thought of the perfect name for the puppy last night while she moved from one corner of the bed to another,” Parker said, not looking up from the paper.

“And?” I said, moving around the bar top in excitement.

Parker looked up briefly from his paper then did a double take as I quickly approached his side of the bar. He laughed as I sauntered toward him. I crossed the room in two steps and snatched the paper away.

“And?” I said, now less than a foot from him. “I’m not enjoying this exaggerated pause, Mr. Hawthorne. Cough it up.”

“Amoeba,” Parker said. “She constantly moves to places she shouldn’t be and that’s what an Amoeba does, so I think it’s fitting.”

“Thank the Lord!” I said, hugging him. “I love it. I mean it’s a little odd, but I really love it.”

“Okay, then Amoeba it is,” Parker said, taking his paper back awkwardly. “I have a party tonight at one of the charities I help with. I had forgotten about it until Samantha called this morning.”

“Samantha?” I teased. “Is this a girlfriend I haven’t heard about?”

Please don’t be a girlfriend. Wait. What? Stop it. It doesn’t matter if there is a girlfriend. You are promised elsewhere.

“Samantha is a friend who happens to be a girl,” Parker said, folding the paper and standing to clear his dishes. “We on occasion attend events together.”

“On occasion?” I asked, arching one eyebrow at him. “Would this friend be a friend with benefits?”

“No! Yes, sometimes,” Parker said, nervously wiping the counter. “She knows it’s not serious, though, so no big deal. I told her I was going to see if you wanted to join us tonight.”

“Seriously?” I asked. “You want me to join and be a third wheel? I think I will pass on that.”

“My brother Trey is supposed to join, but my sister, Murphy, will be there for sure,” he said, like that mattered. “Wouldn’t you like to meet more of the family? I know you and Murphy will hit it off. ”

Yes, I would really like to meet the family, especially the one I am supposed to be marrying. Oh, wait, maybe Trey is the one? I wish you were the one. Where did that come from?

“You know what? I think I will join you tonight instead of sitting in the apartment,” I said, casually walking over to the couch. “What do you think, Amoeba? Is that a good idea?”

“It’s settled. You will join,” Parker said. “I heard Amoeba agree, and we have a bond that only we can hear each other.”

“Very funny, Dr. Hawthorne.” I picked Amoeba up to my ear. “Wait, I hear it too. What time and what attire?”

“A simple dinner dress. Nothing too fancy, and it starts at eight p.m., so I’ll have Hank pick us up here at seven thirty.” Parker put on his coat for departure.

Chapter 19


Shopping didn’t go as fast as I’d hoped, even with Hank driving me around, but I finally found the accessories needed for the evening. Hank dropped me at the entrance to Parker’s high rise.

After I ran through the door, I stopped to scratch the princess on the belly she’d so happily flipped over to give me. I could hear Parker and his date on the balcony, only reminding me just how not ready I was. I glanced at the clock over the mantle. Six forty. Did I have time for a shower?

“Hey, Parker, sorry I’m late,” I yelled through the open sliding doors. “I’ll be ready in a flash.”