“Sophie, honey, it’s late. Just get in bed with me,” I moaned, pulling the covers back. “Did you have a bad dream?”

When I reached to cuddle Sophie in my arms, she wasn’t there. I jolted upright, a little disoriented at first.

I’m not home, and Sophie is not whimpering in my room. What is the whimpering?

The condo was dark. I tiptoed into the living room thinking the television might be on, but it wasn’t on. I stood still for a moment, listening for the whimper again. Then there it was, coming from down the hall. I turned to follow the sound. As I became more fully awake, I remembered the puppy. It had to be the puppy. Sure enough, there she was sitting at Parker’s door with her face on the ground whimpering. I knelt down to talk to her, and she wasted no time crawling into my lap.

“Little girl, what am I going to do with you?” I asked. “You don’t want to be alone, do you?”

The bedroom door opened. I looked up into Parker’s sleepy green eyes and felt my breath catch. He was towering over us at first, and God help me he was bare chested. Then he knelt down. His subtle hint of body wash was intoxicating.

“What’s going on here?” he asked, rubbing the puppy between the eyes. “Is she okay?”

“She doesn’t want to be alone,” I said. “I should have taken that into account, bringing her to a new place at such a young age. I just wasn’t thinking clear tonight. Apparently, she wants you because she is at your door.”

“Her little palace of memory foam and luxury suede is not where she wants to be?” he asked jokingly.

“Don’t worry. Sorry we woke you,” I said, getting to my feet and holding a now sound-asleep puppy. “You get back to sleep. I’ll take her to my bed. I’m here to take care of her for you, after all and you have surgeries in the morning.

“If you’re sure?” he asked hesitantly, holding the doorknob. “I’ll leave my door open in case you need me for anything.”

“No, Doc. She’s just a baby who wants cuddles,” I said. “Her nose isn’t warm so no fever. She is perfectly okay. Good night.”

I turned toward my suite when Parker appeared next to me seemingly wanting to say something.

Crickey, he needs to go to his room before I touch him again.

“Hey, Did you need something?” I asked trying desperately to not look at his chest

“No, I was just going to hold the door open for you.” Parker said in a sleepy voice

“Goodnight Parker was all I could manage.”

Chapter 16


Iwoke to bright sunlight flickering through the windows and bouncing off all the crystals. I knew it was cold out, but the sunlight gave a false sense of warmth. Despite that, I threw off the covers and jumped out of bed to open the French doors onto the balcony. Then I jumped back in bed and pulled the covers up to my eyes. The breeze blowing through the room sent a shiver through me, but I loved it all cuddled up in the comforter.

The puppy was snuggled on a pillow next to mine.So much for that fancy, expensive bed.,

It was an odd feeling not having to get up early or rush to school and never think about money.How rich are these people?

I ran a hand down the puppies back and she went into a cat stretch then promptly went back to sleep. I couldn’t help myself. I pulled her in close to my side and we both fell back asleep.

* * *

I decidedto skip my morning jog and take the puppy for a walk I texted Hank to let him know I didn’t need him today, left the housekeeper a grocery list then scooped up the puppy and headed out. To my surprise Hank was waiting out front by the car.

“Hey Hank, did you not get my text?” I asked

“Yes, I got it Miss Anderson, but Mr. Hawthorne said to stay available to you all day.” Hank explained

“Oh. Okay. Well we’re going for a little walk to find something to eat. Do you have any suggestions?” I asked battling a hyper puppy

“Mr. Hawthorne likes the café around the corner.” Hank said opening the car door “Are you sure I can’t give you a ride there?”

“Thanks, but I like to walk. I’ll text you if I need you later” I said then turned in the direction he pointed for the café.