Roughly ten minutes later, Parker and his new canine companions headed to front area where Mrs. Salazar was grooming an older puppy that laid at her feet belly up.

“It seems that it’s probable that the puppy I found is a litter mate to those,” Parker said. “Unfortunately for you, I cannot return her. I would, however, like to purchase her. It appears she has admittedly gotten under my skin with her adorable cuddles, and I can’t let her go.”

I couldn’t help but laugh as we headed for the exit door, our new puppy friends and all. If I was being completely honest, the cuddling part sounded nice. Too bad he was referring to the puppy and not me, but for now, I was ecstatic he’d decided to keep her.

We said our goodbyes to Mrs. Salazar and the puppies that had followed us to her office and headed for the car. As we were walking, tiny flakes of snow began falling.

“It’s lovely,” I said, stopping to feel them hit my face. “I love the snow”

“Me too,” Parker said, unlocking the car. “You want to go downtown and look around the shops? I have time. Besides, if we go back too soon, Diana will be all over me for not showing you around.”

“Are you sure you aren’t avoiding going back and admitting that the three-pound puppy grabbed the heart of the busy doctor?” I said, sliding in and buckling my seat belt.

Chapter 11


“Parker, you’re taking the puppy with you, right? Victoria asked. “She’s your baby now.”

“Mother, that wouldn’t be fair to her,” Parker said. “I’m gone all day. Can’t she stay here? I’ll be back in a week.”

“No, I’ll be traveling all week, and I gave the staff a few days off,” Victoria said. “Why don’t you take Mia with you to the city. She needs to get out of this house. You could show her around at night maybe.”

“Mother, that’s putting Mia on the spot,” Parker rubbed the back of his neck. “She hasn’t been in the country very long.”

“Mia dear, what do you think of my idea?” Victoria asked. “I’ll meet you in the city on Wednesday, and we can go shopping and get your makeover.”

“Oh, ummm, yeah sure. I guess I could go,” I said, confused as hell.

Don’t I need to be here to meet my new husband? Makeover? What makeover? I didn’t agree to a makeover. Crickey should I say something?

“Makeover?” Parker scoffed. “She doesn’t need a makeover mother. She looks great the way she is.”

My blush burned its way down to my toes. All I could do was pray it wasn’t visible to Parker.

“You know what, Parker? You’re right,” Victoria said. “I’d planned on it before she got here, but she does look rather perfect.”

“Okay, you two,” I laughed. “I’m sitting right here feeling really uncomfortable.”

Silence took over the room as we looked from one to another smiling.

“Mia, would you join me in the city to puppy sit?” Parker asked.

“And…” Victoria encouraged.

“And…” Parker said. “Sightsee when I have free time? Which won’t be a lot, but I’ll try.

“Sure. Since you asked so nicely,” I said. “When do we leave?”

“I need to be in the city by eleven a.m. Monday,” Parker said. “I’ll have a car service pick us up at nine a.m. If you’ll excuse me, I have some calls to make.”

As soon as Parker left us alone in the room, I turned to Victoria for clarity. “What is happening? When do I meet my husband? Why did I not know about a makeover?”

“Not to worry, Mia. I did say we needed to shop and prepare you to meet your husband,” Victoria said. “I just want things perfect. I want you styled precisely and with a full wardrobe to meet his social setting and schedule of events you will have to attend.”

“Okay, if you say so,” I said. “What girl doesn’t want a new wardrobe?”

“In the meantime, enjoy yourself. Eat some pizza, walk in Central Park with the puppy and go sightsee,” Victoria said. “There is so much to do and see. It’ll be fun.”