“When I asked about which car, she told me to let you know she had to change her plans with you for this afternoon until tomorrow,” Diana said rinsing her plate in the sink. “So go on and have fun.”

Parker placed a kiss on Diana’s cheek then walked over to the fireplace to find the puppy curled in a little ball sound asleep. He lowered to one knee to snuggle her sweet face. I didn’t think Parker realized yet that he really liked her. How could you not?

“Why don’t you leave her here with me while you visit the breeder?” Diana said smiling down at the puppy by the fire. “Maybe you should keep her, Parker. She seems to be attached to you already.”

Parker rose from the floor and brushed off his pant leg.

“Diana, you’re a troublemaker, aren’t you? You know I’m

way too busy to have a puppy,” he said, still looking down at the furry ball.

“She won’t be a puppy for long, and I do remember a young boy begging for a puppy some years ago,” Diana said.

“Some years ago?” Parker said, laughing. “Try twenty years ago. Let’s get out of here, Mia, before she starts telling tall tales.”

I followed Parker out of the kitchen, coat in hand. I hadn’t realized Diana had been with them for so long, but it made a lot of sense. She seemed to be more than just the house manager. Parker definitely had a soft spot for her.

Maybe he should keep the puppy. He could always get a puppy sitter. He could afford it, obviously.

Chapter 10


My thoughts were all over the place. I was in a car mere inches away from Parker, and I felt giddy, which was crazy. I hadn’t at first rationalized Parker’s impact on my senses. Maybe Chloe was right about my not getting out there enough. I hadn’t dated anyone in two years. With my work and school schedule, I didn’t have the time or the energy. My friends were forever telling me to get a life, meet some guys.

Easy for them to say.They weren’t going to veterinarian school and working a full-time job, not to mention helping to raise Sophie. There wasn’t a lot of room for a private life. There hadn’t been in a long time, actually. For quite a while now, I had found myself far more consumed by my busy routine than thoughts of passion. I had begun to think my female hormones had gone into hibernation.

That concern had vanished the day I looked straight into Parker’s green eyes. The missing female hormones had kicked into overdrive and were ready to launch. I hadn’t been that curious about any man in my life before that moment.

How ridiculous to have these feeling now of all times. I have to stop thinking about him this way. I’m obviously marrying his brother. I mean I think so anyway.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” I asked, coming out of my daydreaming.

“We’re here. Are you ready to go in?” he asked, smiling at me with those dimples showing again.

“I thought it was going to be just someone’s house, but this seems like a real business.” I got out of the car and followed the sign to the office around back.

The woman at the desk looked up at us from behind thick glasses. “Can I help you?”

I nodded. “I called ahead about a puppy we found, and we’re here to see the owner, Mrs. Salazar.”

“Yes, you must be Mia. She is expecting you,” the woman said. “Go on through the gate and follow the sidewalk to the right. She is out with the puppies now.”

We walked into the room, and introductions were made. Dogs and puppies were everywhere, and it was easy to see how one could go missing. They had baby gates on every doorway going outside but there was a lot of chaos with people visiting the puppies, some feeding puppies, others cleaning puppy cages and the puppies were allowed to roam free during visiting time.

“We would like to start by having a look-see,” I said, moving around the room for a closer look.

Mrs. Salazar laughed. “Of course. Have a look around. The pool in the corner is the litter that is missing one cute little champagne-colored pup. See if the one you found looks like the rest.”

“A look-see,” Parker whispered in my ear. “I don’t think I have ever heard someone actually use that term.”

A tingle worked its way from my ear all the way to my toes before returning with a vengeance and attacking every nerve ending.

He has no idea the effect he has on me physically.Seriously, if he had lingered for two more seconds, I may have embarrassed myself and leaned back into him. God help me.

Our little puppy snuggled safely in front of the fire at the house was definitely a sister to the puppies huddled together next to the mother sound asleep. I didn’t want to return her. All I could think about was how to convince Parker to keep her. There was no way she would be accepted back into the litter after being gone for a few days, and the mother would possibly not feed her with our scents on her now. Several other older puppies had wiggled in between mine and Parker’s legs. They seemed to want to know who we were and why we were in their area.

“Oh my gosh, Parker, they are all so adorable. I can’t handle it,” I said, touching his arm. “Are you sure you don’t want to keep her? I could help you with her for now, at least.”