I hadn’t told Parker I only had a year left before I am a veterinarian, and that his assumption that she needed mothers’ milk was correct.

I should tell him. Shouldn’t I?

Chapter 9


Ihad decided to get started on the calls first. It was well past lunchtime before I finished calling around town in search of the owners. My ears were ringing from it.

I had only made it through call number four to local veterinarians. I hoped that one of them would have a customer who had recently had a litter of puppies. The last one gave me the name of local breeder who recently had a litter.

The veterinarian had called the breeder to inquire, and she had, in fact, been searching for the puppy.

Could it be this easy?The breeder was so excited and hopeful that the puppy we found was her missing puppy. She had explained that they live right down the street from the train station and that they had looked for her everywhere and that she had been over to the train station at least five times searching the bushes.

“We will bring our little one over when Parker was out of his meeting in the next two to three hours.” I said

I glanced at the clock. Did I have time for a run before I had to meet with the puppy’s owner? I didn’t have to meet them for another two hours. I changed in to my workout clothes. I would at least try for a quick run on the treadmill.

While coming back from my run, I passed Diana in the foyer.

“Hey, Diana, I need to borrow one of the cars to go meet with the lady missing a puppy,” I said. “I don’t want to bother Victoria since she said she had a change of plans and has meetings all day.”

“No problem, Mia,” Diana said. “I will have Victoria’s driver pick you up.”

I wanted to just borrow a car to go to the address where a litter of labradoodle’s had recently been born. I was pretty sure when I saw her that she was a labradoodle.

“Would it be possible to just drive myself?” I asked shyly. “I really don’t know how long it will take, and what if Victoria needs her driver?”

“Let me see what I can find out while you clean up,” Diana said. Hurrying on to the kitchen

* * *

After my shower,I headed to the kitchen in search of Diana. She and Parker were chatting over an apple pie and hot tea.

Thank the Lord, it’s hot tea and not coffee.

As I stood watching them, holding my new coat and scarf, I noticed through the windows that the snowfall was picking up. It didn’t look like something I wanted to drive in.

Diana looked up briefly from the pie and did a double take as I approached the island.

“I made hot tea for you. I’m sure you are missing home.” Diana said patting my hand

Crickey, I can’t take much of that mothering or I’ll be a puddle on the floor

“Oh, goodness,” Diana said, her face scrunching up in distaste. “I hope that’s just a fashion statement you’re making because that will not keep you warm in this weather.”

“Really?” I asked, surprised. “I’m not hanging out in the cold, just going to a house.”

“I think it’ll be fine so long as you don’t stay out too long,” Parker said. “I understand you found the owners of my little girl?”

“It appears it might be the owner. I am going over there now,” I said. Sipping on my cup of tea

“Why don’t I join you?” Parker said “My afternoon has freed up a bit, and I could use some fresh air.”

“Perfect idea, Parker,” Diana said, putting the pie back in the refrigerator. “Mia is probably not familiar with driving in this weather. You two run along and keep each other company. Show her the shops downtown afterward and get her a better coat.”

“I don’t think I should be gone that long,” I said. “I believe Victoria had plans for us today.”