Laughter erupted from their end of the table.

They have a sense of humor, at least. That’s good to know.

“You had to see it,” Parker said, still laughing. “It was pretty funny seeing you bent over with all that hair twined into the sequins, and not just a few strands. The clerk kept calling out her name with her tea order. I had to do something.”

“He rescued me,” I said sheepishly. “And I survived the embarrassment by telling myself I would never see him again.”

We all had a good chuckle while Diana served us dinner.

I closed my eyes and hoped that I had not actually turned the color of a fire engine.

How weird to run into him again. Is fate trying to tell me something? What a bummer. It’s most likely not him because Victoria didn’t introduce him properly as such. Or is it? Nah, Victoria would have said so by now, wouldn’t she?

“So, Mia, what brings you to America?” Parker asked, cutting his chicken so precisely.

“Mia is a friend’s daughter I’m helping out as a stylist and a makeover while she is on hiatus,” Victoria said. “She’ll be here until after Christmas.”

Well, okay then. That was bull dust.. I guess I’ll ask later why the secret. She obviously doesn’t want to talk about it right now.

Conversation flowed easily throughout dinner. Henry and Parker spoke about work until Victoria changed the subject. Dessert had been cleared, and Henry was yawning.

Parker stretched and stifled a yawn, which caused me to yawn as well. I hadn’t realized until then just how wiped out I was.

“Mom, Dad. I’m off to bed,” Parker said, standing and placing his napkin on his plate. “Mia, very nice to hear you will be visiting us for a while. I look forward to learning more about you.”

“Good night, Parker,” I said, standing as well. “I’m off to bed, too, if that’s okay with you, Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne?”

“You go on ahead and get some more rest,” Victoria said “We all usually help ourselves to breakfast, so feel free to have anything you want. Diana will be around if you need help finding things.”

Chapter 8


Iwoke slowly, stretched, and pulled the soft fur comforter up to my nose. The room was still dark, but hints of an early morning sky peeked through the cracks of the heavy curtains. I reached for my cell phone lying on the end table. Six a.m. Sophie almost always came bouncing into my bedroom at six a.m. wanting cereal. Chloe would tell her to watch television until the sun was fully up just to get a little extra sleep, but Sophie knew she had me twisted tightly around her little pinky.

I wonder what they’re doing this morning and who is getting her cereal? Maybe she can’t even have cereal yet. Does the hospital have cereal?

One tear then another rolled down my cheeks before I realized I was crying. I wanted to be there with her during this traumatic time in her life.

I hope one day she’ll understand why I’m not there.

I flicked through the photos of them on my cell, landing on a picture of them laughing into the camera.

No since crying about it. Mia, get up, get some tea, and start your adventure.You did the right thing for Sophie.

I found a fuzzy pink robe with matching slippers in the Bermuda Triangle—my name for the closet of all closets that had more clothes in it every time I walked in—and a note from Victoria saying to have a relaxing morning because we would have a full afternoon.

A few button pushes on the elaborate remote and the heavy curtains slid open, exposing grand bay windows, a balcony overlooking fountains, and what would most likely be a magnificent flower garden come spring. French doors opened onto the balcony, so I stepped outside.

The wind whispering through the wicker furniture on the balcony seemed to call to me. The railings were lined with narrow flower beds depleted of flowers during the winter, but I could close my eyes and just imagine how they would look overflowing with vibrant reds, yellows, and orange flowers. The birds were awake, chirping and singing in conversation to one another. The chirping back and forth seemed to fill a small part of the void of not having Sophie around talking all the time. Dogs barking in the distance and the wind rustling the fall leaves across the water in the Koi pond was all so intoxicating. Until the growling and grumbling coming from my own body reminded me quite loudly that it was time for breakfast.

Okay, pretty sure the kitchen was down the grand staircase, through the foyer, and to the left. Oh, I really hope no one is in there, or just Diana perhaps. It will be so nice to sit by the fireplace on the plump, oversized couch sipping tea and watching the sunrise. I wonder if I am allowed to start a fire. Oh shoot, maybe I should have put real clothes on. Oh well, if anyone else is up they are probably in pajamas too. I hope.

At first I tiptoed down the hall, then slowly took one step at a time so as to not wake the whole house just because I was an early bird. By the time I stepped onto the marble floor of the foyer, it became apparent the house was already abuzz with activity.

“Good morning, Miss Mia,” Anthony, the butler, offered briskly as he walked by.

“Mia, come, dear,” Diana said, palming my elbow to direct me to the right to the kitchen.