“I’m fine. I’m drinking margaritas and enjoying myself, there’s no need to worry.”

“With you, there’s always time to worry,” she grumbles.

I think I like this friend. She cares about her and isn’t telling her what she wants to hear.

“What have you been doing since I left?”

“I spent the whole weekend in bed with Dale. The man is hung like a horse, and I swear to God I need a break from his Godzilla cock, so I had to pretend I had a sore throat tonight so I could get some shut-eye.”

Is this how young people talk?At least Katiya has the good sense of looking a little embarrassed.

Keeping up with the facade that I’m not listening in, she says, “Jesus Christ, woman, would you give it a rest already? You’re making me want to vomit from jealousy.”


“You can’t talk. You’ve got men hanging off you wherever you go, girls like me have to work for it.”

“I have to work for it too,” she protests.

“No, Kat, you don’t, and anyway, since when did you ever take a guy home and fuck his brains out?”

She turns, and our eyes meet. She gives me a mortified look as I laugh quietly into my fist.

I like the thought of her not taking any man home and fucking him. That pleases me to no end.

This simmering spout of jealousy appearing over this Vlad prick has now just picked up several notches, and I want to kill every man who has ever touched her or even thought about touching her.

“You know I…I can’t do that.”

“Because Vlad wants to marry a virgin?” she scoffs. “You should get off with two guys at once, let them do you every which way, that’ll be enough to piss him off when he finds out he’s not the first. You might even get rid of him for good.”

Holy fuck.

Katiya is a virgin?

And why does she need to get rid of Vlad? I can do that for her, for free.

“Listen, Ana, I’ve got to go. I’m heading out for dinner. I’ll get a phone and call you soon, okay?”

“Go get one tomorrow, or I really will call the cops.”

“And tell them what? That I’m a bad friend for not sending a postcard?” she scoffs.

“Very funny. I miss you. Come home soon because if I didn't have to work, I’d be right there with you, babe.”

Katiya rests one hand against the wall. “Miss you too. Don’t stress about me, I mean it. Have fun, and don’t let Dale pound you so much.”

“I’ll try not to. Night, Kat. Be safe.”

“Night, Ana. Call you soon.”

She hangs up.

I’m fucking reeling.

With all the flirting, the saucy twirling of her underwear around, and all her dirty talk, there is no way that this perfect little creature is a virgin.

Yet, the thought that no other man has ever touched or fucked her before makes my arousal feel nuclear.