Oh god no! Not Maurice!

I pull my robe back together and sit up, flustered.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” I holler out. I must sound like I’m being strangled. It’s a wonder Maurice doesn’t come storming in here to check.

“Katiya? … Are you in there?” I hear a booming voice that isn’t Maurice’s.

Shit, it’s him!

“Umm, yes, I’m coming…”Wrong choice of words.

I slide off the bed and scurry over to the door.

I just reach the door handle when I feel it turn, and sure enough there we are face to face.

It’s beginning to get dark now, so, hopefully, he can’t see my post-orgasmic rosy cheeks. I know I’m probably flushed from head to toe, and I can still feel the magic of my own touch coursing through me.

“H… hi,” I say a little too cheerfully before I see on his face that he doesn’t look as pleased as I feel. My euphoria drops a little.

“Are you alright?” he asks me, raising an eyebrow.

My legs feel weak, and I want another orgasm … except I want it from him.

The revelation astonishes me.

“Fine.” I nod. “I had a soak in the tub just now. Then Maurice brought me tea and a snack.”

“Very good.” It doesn't sound good, in fact, he looks very annoyed.

“How was downtown?” I ask by way of distraction.

He runs his hand through his hair and sighs. “A disaster if you must know.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

His eyes flick up to me from my robe. “I’m sure you’d be thrilled, right, if I’d had a great day?”

“Geez, what bug got up your nose?” I place a hand on my hip.

He takes a deep breath and composes himself.

He’s a busy man and from what I hear, about to open a casino. I’m sure he’s got woes far greater than me.

“I’m just checking on you, ensuring you’re not doing any crazy shit like trying to escape.”

I laugh. It comes from nowhere; it surprises him, I think. “Escape? Are you joking? I’m contemplating moving in.”

Despite his stoic expression, his lips twitch. Then he glances down again. “I’m glad someone is making use of the guest room at least.”

“You don’t get a lot of visitors? The bath products are lovely by the way.”

“Thank Georgie. I’m sure she’s purchased the best money can buy.”

“Oh, she definitely did.”

He straights himself up then, “Well … I’ll leave you to it.” He turns to leave, and out of nowhere, I reach out and grab his sleeve.

“Marco … wait,”