When I was taken, my captors sent texts from my phone alerting those closest to me that I was safe and sound in Europe, which is where I was supposed to be the night I got kidnapped.

Surely Marco’s not stupid enough to believe that my friends won’t be wondering why they haven’t heard from me. It’s almost like being in jail and allowed to make one phone call, so use it wisely.

On the other hand, what a prison cell it is. There’s a view from every window.

It’s hard to believe that we are still in Boston; it almost feels like we’re way out in the country, not a few miles out from the city.

The bathroom boasted a huge chandelier hanging from the high ceiling and a beautiful copper clawfoot tub set under one of the enormous ornate windows. The grounds were spread out in a magnificent flurry of golds and greens, the trees nestling against the backdrop of a cloudy, gray sky.

Of course, he had his assistant or whoever out running errands for him and buying me clothes and cosmetics, not that I’m ungrateful, especially when I see some Chanel No. 5 bubble bathsitting on the shelf. I can’t deny he has opulent taste.

I stick the plug in and run the tub, reaching for the bubble bath, I take a whiff and pour a little in. It’s absolutely divine. I watch it swirl for a few moments while perched on the side of the tub.

I can see my reflection in the full-length mirror opposite where I sit.

As I stare at myself for a moment, there is no mistaking I look tired and a little pale.

Thankfully though, I’m not shocked at my appearance. I don’t think I’m doing too badly for someone who was only rescued from a kidnapping less than twenty-four hours ago.

It’s strange thinking about the past week. I’ve done my best to push it aside and not think about it too much. I am traumatized over the whole ordeal, though I may not show it.

I try to act tough and mean on the outside, but I don’t feel as sassy and edgy inside.

As I slink out of my clothes and let them slide to the floor, unable to believe that I’m about to take a plunge in Marco Medici’s tub inside a goddamn castle.

I tie my hair up into a bun and when the bath is drawn, I breathe in the exotic scents of jasmine with ylang-ylang and a touch of rose, according to the bottle.

I sink down and let out a deep, appreciative moan. I can’t remember the last time I had a bath.

This time yesterday, it was certainly the furthest thing from my mind.

I look out the window to the pool and tennis court below. It’s like we’re nestled in with complete and utter privacy. All that’s missing is a helicopter pad, though I’m sure he’s got one of those hidden around here someplace. This place undoubtedly suits the megalomaniac that he is.

I will never admit that there’s something about him that’s growing on me, even if I am grating on his nerves a bit.

There’s something dark and mysterious about him that piques my interest.

I settle back and relax into the warm, scented water, keeping my swollen wrists from getting wet, my injuries still need time to heal.

I lay my head on the bath pillow and close my eyes. The water feels so relaxing on my skin, soothing my aches and pains. I’m in absolute bliss.

My mind reels to our last encounter and how he caged me in.

I should have been afraid.

I should have been turned off.

I should have told him to get away from me.

But I didn’t.

I didn’t because I liked it.

I don’t actually believe he will do me any harm, and maybe that’s naive.

When he and those other men burst in during my rescue, my life flashed before my eyes.

I remember him kneeling down next to me, telling me how he was going to get me out of there, that everything would be all right. My heart was racing so bad I didn’t hear a word of what he was even saying, except for…