It’s still the dead of night when I manage to still my heart that’s beating out of my chest, or so it seems. The night sweats come and go, I battle with it from time to time. I rub my hands over my face and through my hair as I think. I fucking hate the nightmares.

I know I dreamt about Lisa. I know that I haven’t forgiven her and will never forgive her.

Five years later …. It still haunts my dreams. But they are more like nightmares.

I had no fucking rights, and that’s what kills me the most. It was an impossible situation, one that can never bring me any peace, and I know I have to try to move forward.

I sigh into the darkness, and I can feel the cold creeping in from outside of the blankets.

The stillness of Fortress isn’t lost on me; I crave silence.

One thing I do miss, is a warm body next to me at night. The women I hook-up with don’t often stay over. I don’t exactly prefer to sleep alone, but it just works out that way.

Or maybe I do it on purpose. I’ve never been inclined to be in another relationship that could tear me up like the last one did. But I’ve reached the ripe age of thirty-five and I know I’m not getting any younger.

I turn on my side, though sleep still doesn’t come.

Once I’m awake, I always find it difficult to fall back asleep.

My thoughts run rampant, and it’s times like these I know I should probably get up and do some work. Fuck knows I’m past the point of even trying to fall back asleep.

I can’t wait to get out of here and get home. Daylight can’t come soon enough.

I’ve so much to catch up on with work, not just the casino, which has been in the works for years, but my other businesses, including my property development company that I’m the CEO of.

It is where I spend most of my days, though I am grooming Dante to stand in while I get the casino underway. He’s more than capable, and though he may be aloof in his personal life, he is a very shrewd businessman.

As much as I want to sink my teeth into the casino, I know I have a lot to do. Angelo is heavily involved but wants nothing to do with running the show. He never has.

So the challenge is all mine.

I know my way around my businesses, but there’s a lot to consider with casinos. My business manager and cousin, Jonas, is an executive of the company and handles the day-to-day running’s of the business, ensuring I sign the proper paperwork, make changes to the staff and personnel where necessary, and increase profits by buying and selling at the right time. He’s a genius, and while many say never work with your family members, the Medicis are a different breed.

He leads a team. Of course, we have over two hundred employees, and that’ll be more once the casino is up and running. My personal assistant, Helena, and her second assistant Georgie are the best money can buy. I should know, I poached them from a rival executive with the lure of a fat paycheck and subsidized accommodation in one of my apartment buildings.

I treat my staff well; they work hard, so they deserve it. I couldn’t achieve half of what I do without these women, and they certainly know how to get things done. That’s what I like in business, there’s no room for messing around.

Time is money.

I butt heads a lot, but that’s to be expected. I’m not there to make friends with anyone. I’m there to make money, and it’s one of the things I’m very good at.

Some say I'm a workaholic; I suppose I can’t deny that, I live to work, after all. But I didn’t become successful by sitting around and not taking action. Others say I’m a bulldog because when I get involved in a battle, I never let it go.

One thing Pa and Uncle Mario taught us was the value of fighting for what you truly believe in. It may seem like I’m heartless and cruel sometimes, but I’m quite the opposite. If anything, I’m all heart. I just don’t wear my heart on my sleeve, that’s the difference between me and most of my rivals, they show absolutely no grit.

It takes a great deal to run a multi-billion dollar company, and while I’ve taken some hits, I’ve had more wins than losses. It’s what I live for.

I lay in bed for a while, thinking about my day ahead, and then my mind spins back to the Russian.

She is a complication that will need to be dealt with, one way or the other.

I remember her face falling when I mentioned the fact that nobody seemed to be aware she was missing. I actually wasn’t meaning to be purposefully cruel; I didn’t even know that was the case, but her reaction confirmed it.

It makes me wonder what else she’s hiding, and that statement is true.

I’m not one to be seen dead on social media, though Jonas has Facebook and Instagram pages for Fortress Properties. However, it doesn’t stop me from looking up Katiya Petrov, and I’m not surprised with what I see.

The last post was over a week ago, clearly right before she got snatched.