Page 174 of Fortress of the Heart

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I turn just as little Luca Aldo Dominic Medici runs into the back of my legs. His mop of black hair is typically styled, just like his father's. I glance down at him as he grins up at me with the same electric blue eyes we’ve all inherited on this side of the family.

“Where’s your Pa?” I ask him in Italian.

“Laggiu,” he says, pointing over to Angelo and his mama, Rayne.

“Ah, over there, I see.” I give him a scruff on the head. He’s dressed in a tiny shirt and tie with dress pants, looking quite the mini-Medici.

Angelo glances over me at the congregation gathering, very typical for an Italian baptism, and gives me a smile and a chin lift. He’s been happy for years now. Their little boy just turned four, and the new baby, Alessia, is about to get her little head wet.

Ma is rounding everybody up into the church. She dotes on the grandchildren and has never been happier to be a Nonna. It’s what she has always wanted, and I’m proud that we will be giving her another one soon.

“How’s your baby sister, Luca?” I ask him.

“She cries a lot,” he tells me, screwing up his face.

I have to admit I never thought I’d see the day, not with Angelo, and here he is with two children under his belt and a stunning wife. They have never looked more in love. It suits him. He makes doting dad and dutiful husband look like a piece of cake.

“Yeah? Babies do that,” I say. “But she’ll grow out of it.”

He’s a chip off the old block, and I dread to think how many hearts he is going to break when he gets older.

I glance at Katiya as I take Luca’s hand, and she grabs the other as we take our seats. The church is bustling with family. Shutting them all up enough to enjoy the baptism will be no easy feat. Luckily, we have a bossy Mother.

The proceedings don’t take very long. Thankfully, Alessia is a good baby, and contrary to what her older brother says, she didn’t even cry.

Katiya looks at me adoringly when Luca declares he can’t walk, and I pick him up.

“The sight of me playing dad make you happy,princess?” I give her a chin lift.

She links her arm through mine, but she can’t contain her grin. “It’s quite adorable.”

“Depends on the kid, luckily, this is one I like.”

“That’s because you’re biased.”

“A little, but I can’t deny that he is pretty cute. Luckily, he takes after Rayne.”

She laughs because we both know he takes more after Angelo.

I turn to her. “You look very beautiful, Mrs. Medici.” Luca begins to pinch my nose and pull my hair as we walk.

“Thank you, Mr. Medici. You don’t look too bad yourself.”

When we reach the doors, I pass Luca to his mother, as he’s still holding a fistful of my hair.

Angelo is holding his daughter. He looks so proud.

“You did good,” I say when the girls hug, and Katiya wants a hold of the baby.

“So did you.” He grins.

“That’s only taken you five years to say.”

“Better late than never.”