Page 166 of Fortress of the Heart

“On sdelal eto s moei sobstvennoy docheryu?” He mutters in a whisper.He did that, to my own daughter?

I pull my phone away from my ear and stare at it.

It can’t be…maybe I misheard.

“Katya…tvoya doch?”Katiya… is your daughter?

“Fuck,” he says.

I run a hand through my hair. “Why did you never tell her? Why are you pretending to be her Uncle?”

“You speak Russian?”

“Nemnogo.”A little.

The line goes silent for a moment. “Chtoby zashchitit eye.”To protect her.

“This is some fucked up shit,” I say, feeling more stressed knowing this information, than what’s going on in the next room. “Katiya needs you. She needs her Father.”

“Are those your new terms?” he grunts. “Bribing me to tell her what will undoubtedly put her further in danger?”

“No,” I say. “I can’t believe I’m actually going to say this, but you seem like a decent man when it comes to the people you care about. I can see that, and a part of me understands.”

“You’re not a Father,” he says. “You don’t know what could happen to her if people find out the truth. I’ve protected my only child, my only heir, from this life, and I’ll continue to do that until my dying day.”

“You have to tell her,” I whisper-shout. “She deserves to know the truth!”

“Because you say so? Or because you now have something over me that you can use against me, like a true enemy?”

“Make no mistake,” I vow.“I willneveruse Katiya the way other people have. I will never put her in danger for my own gain or for leverage over her Father. My Papa may be dead, may God rest his soul, but he made me the man I am today. He taught me about family and about values. I will always put her needs and safety first, above all else. There is nothing that I won’t give her. It isn’t gravity holding me to the ground anymore, Aleksi, it’s her.”

Silence. Then he says, “Send your car. Do not finish him, that is my job now.”

I roll my neck.

The line goes dead.

I run the back of my hand over my brow and down my face.

Holy fucking shit.

Aleksi Petrov is Katiya’s father…I didn’t see that one coming, though, it does explain a lot.

I just don’t know how Katiya is going to react when she finds out. She’s already been through so much trauma.

I shake my head.

This night is just full of fucking surprises.



Time stands stillas my uncle suddenly departs and won’t tell me where he’s going. He has me under strict lock and key, and there is no going anywhere. He has Dimitri on my door because he obviously feels like he can no longer trust me.

I get it, sneaking out like that and getting his men in trouble probably wasn’t the brightest idea I’ve ever had, but here we are. I’ve always acted on impulse, and I often take action before really thinking things through.

I’m not even sure Dimki will ever talk to me again or if he really meant what he said about not calling him that anymore.