“Just sit tight and don’t say a word to Ma just yet,” I say, heading the same way as Angelo
This changes things.
Although Angelo took Mario’s place as the Don in the Medici family, Mario was still a big part of the operation. He and Angelo still consulted, and the old man knew fucking everything, even before it happened.
I quickly follow him out toward the office and close the door behind me.
Angelo stands with his back to me, staring at the wall.
I go to the cabinet and lift the lid on the crystal decanter and pour two fingers each of scotch.
When I’m done, I walk over and hand Angelo a glass. He takes it silently.
I touch him on the shoulder. “It’s a big loss, Angelo. The family will need to be notified, Ma…”
“I know,” he grunts. “I fucking know.”
“Is there anything I can do in the short term?”
“Yes, drink with me, and don’t ask any fucking questions.”
I move back over to the small, two-seater couch and sit as Angelo eventually goes to his desk. His eyes look so far away.
“He was a good man,” Angelo says after a long time, taking a seat. “The best man I’ve ever known, other than our Pa.”
“He’s at peace now. Take comfort in that.”
“He wanted me to end it,” he says out of nowhere.
My eyes go wide. “Angelo?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
I know something very, very grave has happened. “As you wish, but I’m here if you need me, you know that.”
He nods. “Thank you, Marco. As much as we have a love-hate relationship, I respect you, and I know if anything happens to me for real, you can lead this family where they need to go.”
I frown. “You’re scaring me, Angelo.”
He chagrins. “If I can survive the last twenty-four hours, I can survive anything.”
“Fuck,” he mutters. “I gotta break the bad news to Ma on both accounts.”
I swallow hard. “This is true.”
He takes another long draw of his scotch. “How’s the Russian?”
“Fucked,” I mutter.
He glances at me, puzzled. “What do you mean?”
“She’s still throwing shit, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“You can’t handle her?”
“Don’t you start. I've had enough with the boys giving me shit without you having a go too.”