Page 150 of Fortress of the Heart

I wanted to beg him not to say anything to Aleksi, even though I knew it was fruitless, except it was already done.

These men, who swore to protect me and were personally hand-picked by my uncle, are under his command, not mine. They do what they’re told.

They have no heart. No sympathy. They’re cold, like pieces of unearthed rock that will never see the light. Not like Marco.

He’s always warm. Even when he’s being an ass.

“Dimki, I wish you wouldn't ignore me,” I whisper, looking out the window as we ride in silence. “I said I was sorry a million times.”

He says nothing, but his hands grip the steering wheel even tighter.

I knew my uncle picked them to watch me for a reason. They’re the best, and Dimitri will be kicking himself that I slipped out of his grasp.

They, of course, are a part of the Russian Bratva who do as my uncle says, no questions asked, but for some reason, I thought we shared some common ground.

I thought that they might have been more like family than just my uncle’s employees. We’d even shared a few laughs. But seeing Dimitri this mad disappoints me.

I don’t know why, it’s stupid.

“Dimki,” I say again.

“It’s Dimitri,” he growls. “From now on, you address me as Dimitri.”

I stare at him, tears springing to my eyes. “You sound like you actually mean that.”

“I do,” he says. “I simply have no words for you, Kat.”

That hurts more than it should.

I look down at my hands folded in my lap. “You don’t understand,” I begin.

He waves a hand at me. “Save it.”

“How could you?” I go on. “When all you see is black and white.”

“All I see is that motherfucker Medici doing and saying anything to get a young, innocent woman into his bed. And you fell for it.”

I stare at him, shocked. “You can’t speak to me like that.”

“Cut the crap, Kat, you know you’re like a sister to Maxim and me. Did you think that we wouldn’t find out?”

I swallow hard. “Don’t treat me as if I’m a child.”

“Then stop acting like one.”

I snort. “Why? Because I fell in love with the man who rescued me?”

The second the words are out, I slap a hand over my mouth.

I finally admitted it, not that I meant to in front of Dimitri. My heart races in my chest as I finally come to terms with these emotions.

I love him.

He glances at me sideways. “That’s not love, Kat, that’s lust, and he took advantage of you because he’s a fucking asshole. And he’ll be a dead asshole when Aleksi finds out.”

I shake my head. “You don’t know anything about him.” My blood begins to boil. “If you want to call someone an asshole, then point that finger around. Do you not work for a man who is happy to keep me captive, who makes all my decisions for me and supports my father’s plans to marry me off to a man I don’t even like, much less love?”

“That isn’t for me to -”