He’s ambitious to the point of manic; a bad combination.
“That isn’t true.”
He puts his hands on his hips. “Isn’t it? I’ve barely seen you, and that was before you were kidnapped.”
He says it like being kidnapped was a major inconvenience to him and his schedule.
“I’ve been busy.”
“With what?”
Fuck you, asshole,springs to mind. Instead, I say, “My studies.”
He scoffs.
I narrow my eyes. “Find something funny?”
“You won’t be needing that once we’re married.”
I look him straight in the eyes. “I won’t be marrying you, Vlad. I don’t want to be married at twenty-three.”
He stares at me as if I have two heads.
“This isn’t a surprise to you,” I go on. “You know that I am very fond of you, but I need my freedom…” I’m not fond of him at all, but I don’t want to totally rain all over his parade.
I place a hand on his arm as he continues to look at me like I’ve burned him.
“Vlad, we used to be so close…”
“Things have changed between us. This is how it is when you’re to be man and wife, a woman has to know her place.”
I stare at him with my mouth agape. “You asshole.”
He sneers, “Katiya, you will not speak to me that way.”
I put my hands on my hips. “Or else what?”
“Youwillbe marrying me,” he says. “You have no choice, Katiya. So, the sooner you get that through your head and accept it, the better you will be.”
I shake my head. “No.”
“Have you not heard that word before?” I spit at him. “No!I’m not going to be told what to do by you, my father, my uncle, or anybody else.”
I don’t see it coming until the sound ricochets off my skin. He slaps me hard.
Tears spring to my eyes as I immediately cup my face.
He steps further into my space as I step back. “Too much fucking leniency,” he snarls at me. “That’s what’s wrong with you. We could have done this the easy way and had a pleasant engagement leading up to our marriage, but yet again, you have to go and open that smart mouth of yours. I’ve been telling you for years that it’ll get you in trouble. And mark my words, Katiya. You will learn to heel.”
I swallow hard, biting the insides of my mouth so hard I taste blood.
I want to slap him back. Scream at him. Call for Dimitri and Maxim, but I’m frozen to the spot.
Instead, I step further away, wanting to be as far away from him as possible.
“The only way you’ll ever get me to heel,” I shout in his face, “is in a fucking body bag!”