That makes me sad. Again, it creeps in to bite me in the ass. I can never have a say-so in my own life and be with who I want to be with.
There’s no way on earth the great Aleksi Petrov will ever let his niece be with one of his archrivals. In fact, it’s probably the last thing on earth he would ever do.
The same goes for the Medici family because there’s no way the King of the universe, Angelo Medici, will let Marco be with Aleksi Petrov’s niece.
This is how it is and how it will always be.
A small part of me wonders if my uncle sees things differently because the Medicis saved me from that shipment.Why can’t he see my side just once?
Do I expect him to put an arm around Marco and welcome him into the family …
No, I don’t think I could even imagine that in my wildest dreams. But I hope for a future that is mine, with whom I chose.
Why do these men have to be so cold, so stubborn, and so set in their ways?
I don’t regret one single thing with Marco. I’d do it all again. And Iwilldo it again.
I will find a way to see him. I don’t care what I have to do to get out of here in order to do it.
As much as I don’t want to be involved in the Bratva and hate the violent nature of this world, it still doesn’t make me want to run away from Marco.
Instead, I find myself runningtowardshim, faster than ever.
I don’t care anymore.
It all flew out the window the minute he laid his eyes and then his sexy hands on me. I’ve never felt a passion towards anyone like I have with him. And while it may not be wise, nothing about this whole thing is, but why does it feel so right?
I do not want to run off and marry the guy, but I want him. I want to feel the fire and the passion we shared. More importantly, I want the choice to be able to have him.
“You’re deep in thought, Katiya. Tell me what you’re thinking?”
Meanwhile, a storm is brewing in my mind. The casino opening is this weekend…
“I really do have to get some of my things from my apartment, if you insist that I stay here.”
“It’s only for a short time, until I am secure in the knowledge that you will be safe.”
Code: Until I have more on what the Medicis are up to. I know for a fact that my uncle won’t let me out of his sight.
“I have a thing this weekend, and it’s been planned for ages.” I look up at him with that look in my eyes that I’ve used since I was three. It may be a little manipulative, but I know how to work him. “And it involves staying with Ana and Monique. We’ve got a birthday party, and I can’t be the only one not going.”
He looks very displeased, but the most challenging thing won’t be him, it’ll be trying to lose my security.
“You were just kidnapped, Katiya. Are you sure you feel comfortable being out there so soon?”
I nod. “It’ll be good for me.”
He does not look convinced. “You need to stay in for a while until everything settles down. This will still be a shock to the system.”
“I’m all right, Uncle. I’m strong, just like you taught me.”
Warmth crosses his eyes for just a moment. “I’ll think about it, and if I agree, you will have Maxim and Dimitri with you at all times.”
My eyes go wide.
This is not good.
“Aren’t they needed here?” I protest. “I mean, they areyourpersonal bodyguards…”