Page 123 of Fortress of the Heart

“Katiya?” he says again. “I want to know everything from beginning to end again. Answer me.”

I shift my focus back to him again. “I told you everything ten times over. You know everything.”

“You will not disobey me again. Are we clear?”

I shake my head. “I didn’t disobey you the first time, I was just living my life and my cab got jumped.”

“Yes, and my guards, while they were still breathing, informed me you purposely fled out of their sight.”

I try not to smirk. My uncle sounds so strange using Americanized terms.

“I did no such thing.”


“Fine. I may have taken some extra liberties where my security was concerned, but it isn’t my fault they weren’t very good at their jobs.”

He regards me with a look of annoyance. It’s a look I’ve grown to know well.

“I don’t know where you learned to speak this way, certainly not under my roof.”

“AskYuri,” I bite back. “He’s the one who raised me.”

I know I’m pushing it, but after our talk the other day, I thought we’d come to a new understanding. I thought that I’d gotten through to him. Sure, he threw Vlad out on his ass, but now he’s gone back to being exactly like every other male in my life.

“Katiya, act like a lady,” he admonishes.

God. If only he knew how Ididn’tact like a lady and spread my legs for Marco Medici, one of his biggest rivals and enemies in this town.

“I’ve been acting like a lady my entire life, and look where it’s gotten me. I still managed to get myself kidnapped and almost sold on the black market.”

“And I told you, I’m dealing with that. When I find out who else was involved, mark my words, I will have my vengeance.”

“I want to watch,” I state, knowing I’m pushing the boundaries. Somehow, being kidnapped, surviving it, and spending a week in enemy territory has now given me enough pause to warrant this bubbling anger I feel. “I want to see them suffer.”

He frowns again.

I know he’s worried about me; I have been acting irrational these last few days, but I’m on edge.

Everything has gone spiraling out of control, and I don’t know how to fight back.

“You will do no such thing.”

“So I’m supposed to stay locked up here all day?”

“No, you may continue your studies for the time being.”

“What with Huey and Duey following me around?” I blurt out, sounding a lot like Ana. “I don’t think so.”

“Who is this Huey and Duey?” he says the words like they are poison.

“I meant Dimitri and Maxim.”

“I don’t like this friend of yours,” he goes on as if I haven’t spoken a word. “This Ana, girl. She is not of the same family stature as you. She is crass and rude and needs her mouth rinsed out with soap.”

While I told Ana to calm it down in front of my uncle, she still let a few F-bombs go. I try not to chuckle when I think about her trying her best not to show him how bad she really does talk.

“You’ve no right to judge her, she’s my friend.”