Page 115 of Fortress of the Heart

I don’t even know what just happened.

My father for one.

My uncle, and his reaction.

He’s never listened to me like that before. In fact, he’s often treated me like an errant child. Yes, I’ve always been the favorite, but he’s never taken me very seriously.

I don’t know if it was me getting kidnapped that finally made him realize or the fact I was in the custody of the Medicis. In his eyes, both scenarios are as abhorrent as each other.

I turn as Dimitri says my name.

He hands me a phone.

My eyes go wide.

“Thank you, Dimki.”

The corner of his mouth turns up slightly at the nickname I sometimes call him, mostly to annoy him.

“Don’t thank me, thank Aleksi.”

I nod eagerly as I flounce on the bed and begin to dial Ana immediately.

She picks up after the first few rings.


“Ana, it’s Kat.”

“Oh my God!” she cries. “How are you?”

I flop back on the mattress. “Could you start with an easier question?”

“Why, what happened? Are you still in Tuscany?”

“No, I…I need to see you to explain in person.” Guilt floods through me.

“Kat, you’re scaring me. I knew something was up.”

“I just don’t want you to be mad.”

“Not unless you got boned by some fat-dicked Italian and didn’t tell me,” she laughs, but I hear the worry in her voice.

Oh, the irony.

I sit up and jump off the bed to go close my door.

“Not quite, but I didn’t even get on the plane to Tuscany.”

“What?” she whisper-shouts. She must be at work. “When can you come over?”

“I can’t,” I say back. “I’m under lock and key at my uncle’s. Can you come here?”

“Any chance to have a perv at those hot bodyguards Huey and Duey,” she says with a wicked laugh. “Then I’m in.”

I can’t blame her, Maxim and Dimitri aren’t exactly ugly, and they’re both built solid and tall. It’s a pity I’ve grown up with them for most of my life, so they’re more like the annoying mutant brothers I never had.

“I’ll check with my uncle first. What time do you get off work?”