His glare is Icelandic.

“I mean, the other girl you were sent in to rescue had to be of value to you. Kind of romantic in a way.”

I wish someone could have done the same for me. Cared that much…I brush that thought away quickly. I don’t want to appear weak in front of him. I have been raised to hide my feelings and shove them away somewhere.

What he doesn’t know, and never will know, is that I have been fighting my demons all of my life. It’s just the way it is. Being a part of this family has never come easy. Being unwelcome and unwanted by your own parents tends to make you very skeptical of the world and the people in it.

He shakes his head. “I don’t see it that way. Unlike most of the Russians who just chop people’s heads off without question, we have a little mercy left in us for the innocent.”

My eyes meet his. “Who says I’m innocent?”


“Is that all you got, Medici?” I spit as he tries to leave again

He smirks. “Something tells me your bark is worse than your bite.”

He’s a gorgeous fucking asshole, and he knows it. I bet he has women flocking to his bed.

I bet his cock is as long as a horse’s, making me think about what he’d be like between the sheets.Asswipe.

“Oh, I can bite,” I assure him with a smile as sweet as candy.

His eyes momentarily drop to my lips, it’s a millisecond, but I catch it.

We share a glacial look for a few moments before he turns to leave, muttering in Italian as he slams the door.

“I heard that!” I yell, even though I’ve no idea what he said.

I don’t exactly think I’m staying at the Hilton being here at the Medici headquarters, but for some strange and unfathomable reason which makes no sense to me, I feel safe here.

Even with Mr. Asshole barking orders and shoving food at me.

Then, I think about the comment about him forcing food down my throat. I don’t know about that, but imagining him restraining me makes me feel things I shouldn’t be feeling after the ordeal I’ve already been through. Still, I have to keep this pretense up.

I’ve been locked away in a room with no light, hardly anything to eat, and no people for over a week. But, I’m not ready to return to the ‘real’ world just yet.

I glance around the space. It’s neat and tidy but not opulent like my apartment.

I know this isn’t Marco’s usual place of residence. It seems more like a compound for prisoners. Hence why I’m a little on the edgy side.

The sad part is, if they do actually let me go, will anyone even know or care that I was ever gone?



The gallof this woman does not cease to amaze me.

While I can understand to a large degree that she must have mixed emotions about today's events and being kidnapped in general, to be throwing shit at me is another story.

The sass coming out of her mouth, I’m sure it’s a defense mechanism to appear tougher than she actually is. However, it begs the question of whether she’s going about things that are in her best interests.

What should I care?

Figuring out what the fuck to do with her is the hard part.

Angelo is a reasonable man. He was due to have talks with Petrov over some of his men operating an illegal betting and fighting ring on our turf, and that was before all of this kidnapping shit went down. That meeting never took place. It’ll be interesting to see what happens now.