“He’s from the right family in their eyes. He has money. He’s in their stupid little club of power and greed. Does that sound like something I want to involve myself in? Never being able to make my own decisions. Being forced to be with him. I’ve been forced my whole life, Marco. I will run away before I marry him.”

“So what did you really tell your father about where you were going?”

She looks down at her hands. “That I was going to Tuscany to have a break. I told my family it was a trip to Rome for my fashion studies. However, in reality, I just wanted to get away and see some friends. I needed some separation to figure out what to do. But of course, we know I never got there.”

“You needed to be on another continent?”

“It couldn’t be far enough away.”

“Have you spoken to your uncle about how you feel?” I say a little softer.

I’m trying not to picture her with this Vladidiota, but it’s a little hard to push the image aside.

She shakes her head. “He knows I’m not happy about it. But I can’t defy him. He’s given me everything, and he’s the only one who’s shown me anything close to affection. He’s a stern man, but he has shown me some love, I suppose, in his way.”

“Having your freedom taken away from you isn’t giving you everything, Katiya, and it’s certainly not love. Surely there’s a way around this.”

“Other than running away, I don’t see what other option there is.”

My blood boils at the thought of her being with him, with any man except me, even if she hasn’t been in his bed. Now that I’ve had my hands on her and been inside her, I don’t want to think about her and another man.Ever.

Well, she’s marked now.

Nonetheless, what I do not want is to cause more problems within our Familia. Just because there’s something between us, doesn’t give me the right to throw it all away.

Angelo wouldn’t be happy that I am even contemplating this…whateverthisis. I’ve already done too much.

I run a hand down my face.

This is precisely what happens when you don’t have sex for so long and you’re under too much pressure in other areas to rationalize. Then you end up in this predicament. Now I’ll never really know if she did it because she wanted me or if it was just to piss Vlad off.

I never learn.Not where beautiful women are concerned, but fuck me, it was worth it.

“Marco, say something.”

“I don’t know what to say,” I tell her. “This is some heavy shit, Katiya, and what we did, it’s fucking dangerous for both of us. You can never speak of it to anyone, do you understand?”

She glances up at me with wide eyes, and I see tears brimming there.

Fuck. Now I’m being an asshole.

“I wasn’t going to shout it from the rooftops,” she spits at me, moving away from me and walking over to the door. “What the hell was I even thinking anyway? Clearly, lack of oxygen in this godforsaken place has made me delirious.”

I glare at her. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Just forget about it. You’ll probably forget me the minute I’m gone anyway. I’m remarkably forgettable. I’m sure they’ll all say, ‘well done, Marco, for getting Petrovs niece in the sack’. They’ll throw a parade in your honor.”

“Stop talking like that,” I bark at her. “For one, no one is even going to know about us.”

“Oh great, that makes me feel so much better!”

Here we are, fighting again.

I walk towards her, but she moves away from me. “Katiya, look at me.”

She shakes her head and looks at the ground. “The moment is gone, Marco. I have to go. I need to pack like you said since I’ve got less than an hour before they arrive.”

I watch her for a minute, feeling something constrict in my chest. It’s not a good fucking feeling.