Maurice dutifully brought me a large mug of coffee and breakfast on a tray. I have to really hand it to the staff around here, they are undoubtedly attentive.

I wonder if Marco is an early riser, something tells me he’s the ‘up and at em’ kind of guy.

I’m not like that by nature, not in the slightest. But, I only have today to figure things out, so I try to be as chipper as possible and not plunge myself into more confusion.

I get dressed after breakfast in some comfy sweats and brush my hair, tying it up in a big ponytail and slapping some moisturizer on my face.

I decided to take a peek around the wing … since I’m not allowed anywhere else, he didn’t exactly say I couldn’t come out of the bedroom…

I saw a library next door to my room that interested me the most because I love books.

I haven’t had time to read in ages, and I’m intrigued to see what he has stashed on those shelves. I peek out and glance down the hallway to make sure Rocco isn’t on my trail or anyone else, for that matter. Satisfied, I venture down the hall.

I would love to actually explore the castle, given the chance, but I bet I will never get to do that. I wonder what he does with all the other rooms …

“Going somewhere, Katiya?”

Marco’s voice makes me jolt about five feet in the air.

I swirl around to see him standing at the end of the hall.

“Just taking a walk,” I stammer, my heart thundering in my chest.I wonder where the hell he sprang from.

“A walk?” he grunts, strolling toward me.

“To the library,” I say, nodding toward the room as I stop in the entryway. “I didn’t think you would mind.”

“Planning on doing some reading, a little early for that, isn't it?’

“There’s not much else to do around here, and since it’s my last day until you release me, I may as well explore a little bit.”

“Yes, about that,” he starts.

I glance up at him. He’s obviously going into the office because he’s all fitted out in his usual expensive-looking suit, his hair styled and eyes gleaming. He’s as neat as a pin and sexy as hell.

“What about it?” I ask.

“We’ll need a few more days for things to die down.” He shrugs, like that’s that.

“What do you mean?”

“What I just said.”

“So, I’m not allowed to leave after all?”

“Of course you can leave, just not as soon as we had hoped,” he says.

“How much longer do I have to stay?” I ask him tentatively.

“I don’t know exactly, as I said; a few more days should suffice, and before you start throwing things at my head, it’s Angelo’s orders, not mine.”

“A few more days!” I repeat. “You have to be joking? How am I supposed to hold everyone off until then? You still haven’t exactly explained my Instagram posts, either.”

The corners of his sexy mouth tug up. “I’m not joking. I’m afraid you’re exiled to this horrible place for a few more days.”

“Five more days!” I can’t believe it. I need to be as far away from Marco Medici as possible…

“You can use the library as much as you like. How does that sound?”