Frankly, I get more attention from my Uncle Aleksi. I’ve always been his favorite in the family since he had no children of his own.

When the elevator pings open, I step out and just about jump out of my skin.

Rocco is standing halfway down the hallway, securing a window.

I stop in my tracks as he turns his head.

He gives me a nod when I finally find my feet.

“Um, hi,” I say, then stop when he turns back to the window. “What are you doing?”

He gives me a look. “Shutting the window.”

“I mean, up here.”

His Bostonian accent is thick, as are his shoulders. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to meet him in a dark alley, yet my instinct tells me that he means no harm.

“Securing the property, it’s what I do.”

I frown. “I thought you were more… hands-on…sort of?”

He looks at me again. “Hands-on?”

“Marco kind of suggested you were the brawn of the Medici operation.”

His face is stoic as he moves to the next window. “I do what needs to be done.” He’s also a man of very few words.

“Like taking out the trash? Every mafia family has one,” I say, then slap a hand over my mouth. “I’m sorry…I had two glasses of wine at dinner…”

“You should make your way to your room. Marco won’t be pleased to see you out here chatting with me.”

I shake my head. “Guess what, Rocco? I don’t give a fuck what Marco will be pleased with or not.”

He regards me coolly.

All these bastards are loyal; I should have recognized that from the start.

None of this lot are going to side with me and agree Marco is being an absolute douchebag.

“You should, he’s the only one who can grant you your freedom.”

My eyes go wide.

It’s not like I don’t know that already, in fact, if anything I’m fully aware of it.

“Any more useful words of advice, Obi-Wan?”

His lips twitch. “Your mouth is gonna get you into trouble faster than you can blink. Judging by the current situation, I see I’m not far off.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault I got snatched.”

“You need to look at the company you keep, not to mention where is your security?”

“I was on my way to the airport,” I say. “I don’t have full-time security.”

He rubs his chin and mutters something in Italian.

“I would heed this as a lesson to get better protection,” he goes on. “You just never know who’s out to get you.”