I don’t care who Katiya is or what trouble she’s in; I maintain that she shouldn’t be here.

Having her here is risking everyone more than it needs to be. As if we don’t have enough fucking shit going on at the moment without housing the enemy under our roof.

Angelo needs to come back down from the high he’s on and smell the coffee. I get that it’s been a big night, hell, it’s been a big couple of days, but this is a problem we need to take care of now. Not tomorrow.

As I head up the stairs, I don’t even care to think about the hostility I received while rescuing this dolce vita.

I run into Rayne on the way… this should be nice and awkward…

I clear my throat. “Rayne…”

She looks up at me. She seems a little pale, but she has a smile plastered on her face. I can see that she’s obviously very happy about having Mia back.

“How is Mia doing?” I ask her quietly.

This is the first time I’ve really spoken to her since the night at the Gala when I said some unpleasant things. That’s when I thought she was trying to kill my brother. Thankfully that turned out to be a huge misconception.

“She’s doing okay,” she replies. “I’m just so thankful you guys were able to ….” She pauses, and I glance at her struggling to get the words out. “I can never repay you all for helping me.”

I swallow hard. The contempt I felt for her clearly didn’t go unnoticed. “Listen, about everything I said,” I start.

She surprises me by squeezing me on the arm. “It’s water under the bridge now, Marco. I know you love your brother as much as I love my sister.”

It truly wasn’t personal.

I find myself in a predicament I’ve never really felt before. I feel a little guilty for how I acted, but when it comes to family, I see red whenever I think one of them is in danger.

“That proved to be true, after what you endured.”

She nods to the tray. “You’re going in there?” she asks like I’m a mad man. “I hear she’s feisty.”

“Yeah, and I have the scar to prove it.”

She gives me a small smile as she disappears down the stairs.

I brace myself as I knock on the door tentatively, holding the bowl of spaghetti in one hand.

I slowly edge the door open with the other. “Katiya?” I call out.

As I enter, I glance over to the bed, and her piercing blue eyes flick toward me.

I take a lot in about her in the first few seconds our eyes meet. Fuck she’s gorgeous, even if she has been acting like a pain in the ass.

Instead of waiting to get her food delivered, she flings a cushion at me. It flies across the room, narrowly missing my head as I duck. Then another one follows.

“For fucks sake!” I bark, trying to shield myself while holding onto her goddamned food.

She kneels on the bed with her hands on her hips, looking more like an angry warrior princess than I initially gave her credit for. “There’s nothing you have that I could possibly want!” she hurls at me when she’s finished lobbing whatever she can find as a hairbrush comes sailing in my direction.

“Calm the fuck down!” I demand. “This is Ma’s famous meatballs, so if you want to waste it then go right ahead, but I promise you, you’ll be sorry.”

“I don’t want a fucking thing from you!” she spits. “Let me go!”

Technically, she’s not a prisoner, but it’s up to Angelo what happens next. He calls the shots. And personally, kicking her ass out would be at the top of the agenda when I finally catch hold of him.

I don’t know why she’s still here.

“You’ll be gone soon enough,” I say through gritted teeth. “I’ll leave this here, but if you throw anything else, I’ll make sure I force this fucking meal down your throat.”