“I didn’t flash you on purpose, if that’s what you think.”

“Now why would I think that?” I muse, swirling my wine in my glass before I take a mouthful.

“I’m sure you’re used to all sorts of women throwing themselves at you, getting whatever you want, when you want.”

“On the contrary.”

“But I’m not like that.”

“Glad to hear it.”

She opens her mouth then closes it again. Whatever she was going to say is momentarily lost as she narrows her eyes.

I don’t know why but I feel like I just diffused a possible tantrum.

“What?” I ask when she continues to stay quiet.

She shakes her head. “You have a nice face when you’re not scowling.”

“Scowling?” I splutter.

“You just did it again,” she sighs. “You take broody to a whole new level.”

I’m about to respond when Clary enters with a tray holding two bowls of soup and freshly baked biscuits. She places Katiya’s bowl down first.

“Thank you,” Katiya says.

“Eat up,”I tell her when Clary leaves. “The chef has gone all-out tonight.”

“Of course, you have a personal chef.” She rolls her eyes, but there’s a playfulness that wasn’t there before. She dips her spoon in to take a mouthful. “This is amazing.”

We eat in companionable silence for a moment while I break a biscuit in half.

“Do you like the wine?” I ask her.

She nods appreciatively. “I don’t drink much wine, but it’s nice. Napa Valley, do you own the vineyard?”

“Sadly, no.”

Out of the blue, she asks, “How is the casino coming along?”

I can’t be surprised. Everyone knows about the casino opening. “A few glitches, but that’s to be expected.”It’d be even better if your father wasn’t trying to undermine us with his underground betting ring…and your uncle pretending he knows nothing about it.

“I heard it will put most others to shame when it’s complete.”

“Here’s hoping. Three years in the making and countless nights of lost sleep, it ought to be.”

“Wow, that must require some patience on your part.” It surprises me that she’s interested, but I tread carefully. Once a Petrov, always a Petrov.

“You’ve no idea.”

“But you’re on the home stretch, the last hurdle. I’m sure a man like you takes full control to its limits, especially under pressure.”

There goes my dick again.

It pleases me that she sees me as a man in control, because that’s precisely what I am. I leave no stone unturned when it comes to business.

I drink a little more wine. “It’s not long until the grand opening, and the new signs are delayed from New York. My contractors are on the verge of being sued by the Boston City Council. I’ve still got to find over fifty employees, finish the decor, carpeting, painting, and test run the menu before opening night. The parking permits have been delayed, again. The helicopter landing pad didn’t pass inspection, and my assistant spilled coffee all over my five-thousand-dollar suit this morning. That was all before lunchtime.”